Monthly Archives: August 2017

The Great Conjunction


Image result for the dark crystalTime flies.  It is hard to believe the Jim Henson/Frank Oz classic The Dark Crystal was released 35 years ago.  In May, Netflix announced a forthcoming series from the Henson Creative Shop, based on the original film and scheduled to begin production this fall.  The 10-episode series is described as a prequel to the 1982 fantasy.  I am not making this up, the working title for this new iteration is The Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance.  (Another Carl Jung moment.)

For those unfamiliar with the 1982 version, the plot centers on the following prophecy which foretells the coming together of a world deeply divided between two races–the Mystics and the Skeksis–following the “Great Conjunction,” an astral alignment of their world’s three suns.

When single shines the triple sun
What was sundered and undone
Shall be whole, the two made one
By Gelfing hand or else by none.

In an attempt to forestall the prophecy, the warlike Skeksis believe they have eradicated all living Gelfings.  Yet Aughra, the Skeksis leader still fears the next conjunction.

The Great Conjunction is the end of the world! Or the beginning. Hm! End, begin, all the same. Big change. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Which brings me to the upcoming modern day “Great Conjunction.”  Lacking three suns, one can argue the most significant cosmic alignment in our world is a solar eclipse, the next of which is scheduled for August 21st.  Yet, in the fictional universe of the Mystics and Skeksis, the astronomical event is only a signal of a much more significant convergence, the coming together of two competing civilizations.

What I am about to tell you is contrary to almost everything I have written about the current political environment for the past year.  I have asked you to be patient.  I have also explained on numerous occasions I do not believe in divine intervention.  But when I clicked on this morning to check on the pretender-in-chief’s latest approval numbers, I began to have second thoughts.

Not all polls are created equal.  And differences in methodology often produce different results.  The best evidence are the Gallup and Rasmussen polls.  For months, Gallup has reported a minus 16 to minus 24 margin between those who approve of Trump’s performance to those who disapprove.  As late as June 17, Rasmussen reported a 50 percent approval rating.  Quite a difference.  But this morning the numbers represent what can only be called a “great conjunction.”

Gallup:  Approve 37%/Disapprove 59%/Margin -22%
Rasmussen: Approve 39%/Disapprove 61%/Margin -22%

Despite Trump’s efforts to eliminate all those who, like Jen, represent a threat to his reign, I’m starting to believe there are other surviving Gelfings in our presence.  Wouldn’t it be nice if August 21st really is the Great Conjunction, when this nightmare ends and the healing begins.

For what it’s worth.