The ORANGE Parade We Need


No one loves the pageantry of a parade more than I do.  Whether it be a national event like the Rose Bowl spectacle or a local celebration such as the annual Watermelon Thump Parade in Luling, Texas.  But, I join with the 89 percent of Americans who question the value of seeing tanks and missile launchers rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue.  Or Robert J. O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Ben Ladin and Tweeted, “A military parade is third world bullshit.”

I might feel differently if our troops were unrecognized or under-appreciated.  But that is not the case.  I have not attended a sporting event for the last 17 years in which our active military and veterans have not been honored.  The contribution and sacrifice of our troops are also documented continuously in books, on television and in the movies.

But His Orangeness is right when he says we need a parade, one not with military hardware, but traditional floats which honor those who are less recognized.  Let me suggest the following themes for a few of these decorated, mobile platforms.

The Silence Breakers/Honoring the brave women and men who have risked their careers and reputations by shedding light on the infliction of sexual harassment and abuse.

The Survivors/Paying homage to the Gold Star Families, “those left behind” who must relive the sacrifice of their forever absent loved ones every day.

The Invisibles/A float with no riders, recognizing the men and women in the intelligence community who cannot be publicly cited for keeping us safe.

The Odds Beaters/Single parents who raised their children in the projects and instilled in their off-spring the will and confidence to succeed in life.

The Dreamers/A generation of young Americans who, except for the pedigree, share the same values and loyalty to the United States as the “dreamers” who arrived on the Mayflower.

The Charitable/Business executives, entertainers, athletes and ordinary citizens who have committed a substantial portion of their wealth to helping others.

The Rest of Us/A tribute to the diversity which has always been the foundation of American greatness, populated with representatives of every demographic cohort except white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian heterosexuals.

The Un-Deterred/Celebrating those determined individuals who stand in line for hours or brave atrocious weather conditions to vote despite the continuous barriers, such as stricter ID requirements, fewer polling places and shorter early voting periods, placed in their path.

Instead of participating in the parade, I would hope our armed forces could have the day off to attend and enjoy this event.  And each of these floats would  include a message to our active military and veterans, thanking them for their role to ensure the parade participants can continue to contribute to the spirit of America, if not its defense.  Military might is not about defeating others, but preservation of the values and ideals which have always made America great.

For what it’s worth.


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