A Picture Is Worth…


With four days left before the 2018 mid-term election, both sides are bringing out the big dogs.  And much is being said about the difference in tone between Donald Trump’s message of fear and the re-emergence of former President Barack Obama’s call for hope and change.

But it is not just their words which tells the story.  One cannot help but look at photographs at these rallies to understand who cares about his country and party and who cares about himself.

The first picture is from a rally in Ft. Myers, Florida on October 31 for the purpose of boosting the prospects of Republican candidate for governor Ron deSantis.  Without the dateline on the article, one would believe it was more likely taken during the 2016 presidential campaign.  Where is deSantis?  Where are the deSantis for Governor signs and t-shirts and hats.

Image result for trump rallies for desantis

The second photograph is from yesterday’s rally in Miami for Democrats Andrew Gillum (governor) and Senator Bill Nelson.  Imagine that, both are right there SHARING the spotlight with President Obama.  And campaign funds were used, not to remind people of Obama, but to make sure viewers knew why the former president was there.  He was the main attraction but it was the Andrew and Bill Show.

Image result for obama rally for gillum nelson

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.  I can only imagine Ron deSantis having dinner Friday night with his wife Casey.  She turns to him and says, “Too bad your guy didn’t do that for you!”

For what it’s worth.


One thought on “A Picture Is Worth…

  1. We have Ballots mailed to registered voters. Mine went in the day I got it. With good thoughts to all Democratic people . Yes because of Gerrymandering in the mostly Eastern end of our County the place is filled with GOPers.
    I wish best of luck to Abrams for Gov. !!!!

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