An ACTUAL War Against Christmas


In the interest of truth in advertising, I need to remind my readers I am a culturally Jewish agnostic in a mixed religious marriage.  And I prefer to wish everyone I meet “happy holidays,” except on December 25th when I gladly greet my Christian friends and colleagues with “Merry Christmas,” in the same vein I wish Americans “Happy Independence Day” on July 4th and not all summer long.

Holidays occurring in November and December cover the tapestry of American diversity.  However, I would never challenge the fact December 25th belongs to those of Christian faith nor would I support anyone who challenged the right of Christians to consider that specific day sacred.  However, last Friday, those who accuse people like me of waging an imaginary “War on Christmas” need to turn their weapons on one of their own who has done more to de-legitimize the holiday than I ever could.

Related imageIn defense of alleged child molester and Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate Roy Moore, Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler dismissed the charges against Moore in the Washington Examiner, stating:

…take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.

Ziegler’s comments reminded me of the politically incorrect joke which has made the rounds on the Internet, tee shirts and in graffiti.  “Easter has been canceled — They found the body.”  I could not find the origin of this meme which people like Jim Zeigler must surely and justifiably find offensive.  So you think someone who promotes the evangelical version of Sharia law would choose his own words more carefully. On Friday, Zeigler became the equivalent of a modern-day Judas.  He might as well have said, “Cancel Christmas — Jesus is not the son of God, he is the offspring of an adult carpenter.”  I have yet to see this headline on Fox News or in Breitbart.  Instead, they prefer to point their fingers at those of us who believe we should welcome the stranger into our hearts and minds during the holiday season regardless of faith or spiritual preference.

I sometimes wonder what Jesus would think of actions taken in his name,  if there was in fact a second coming.  In this case, I have no doubt on which side he would align when it comes to a “War on Christmas.”  And I wonder if even he might find it hard to “turn the other cheek.”

For what it’s worth.