Category Archives: Culture

November 3rd Is NOT About Donald Trump

NOTE:  Today’s blog entry marks the 550th post since I created this site in October 2015.  Over the past three days, I thought about how I could best celebrate this milestone.  First, I went back to the 39 unpublished drafts I never finished.  Some were attempts to say something profound.  Others were intended simply to make you laugh.  As I reread each draft, I encountered a simple truth.  They did not meet either objective and deserved to be tossed in that digital round file.

The first image I saw this morning was the front page of the New York Times (below), dedicated to victims of COVID-19, by putting names to the numbers.  And there was the topic for today’s post.  Not how could this happen, but how did we let this happen?

The New York Times dedicated three pages — including its entire cover — on Sunday, May 24th, to victims of COVID-19. [New York Times]

Thank you to all who have followed this blog from the start and those who have joined the community over the years.

There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

~George W. Bush

Bush 43 took a lot of grief for this one.  We all knew what he was trying to say.  “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  Sadly, this “Bushism” overshadowed the point he was trying to make.  The occasion on which he made this gaffe was an appearance at the East Literature Magnet School in Nashville, Tennessee.  The topic was the importance of teaching American history and civic responsibility.  Thus lies the difference between W. and Trump.  On certain occasions, Bush 43’s heart was in the right place.

And as we are just over five months away from the next national election, I hope he was right when he said, “…you can’t get fooled again.”  I wish I was more confident.  And during the half-century since the time I studied voting behavior, an area of particular interest during my pursuit of degrees in political science, much has changed.

Back in the day, the most noted expert in the field was one of my mentors Richard M. Scammon who co-wrote The Real Majority: An Extraordinary Examination of the American Electorate, published in January 1970.  Richard Scammon Obituary - Selbyville, Delaware | Legacy.comScammon and co-author Ben Wattenberg predicted the 1968 presidential election was a harbinger of the coming defection of many life-long Democratc to the party of Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and Trump.  And to some extent, it reinforced James Carville’s advice to Bill Clinton, “It’s the economy stupid.”  And while such wise counsel was correct when the nation is in recession, what Carville and others in the Democratic party failed to inquire was, “What happens when it’s not the economy?”

Scammon and Wattenberg argued, while the economy dominated politics for most of the 20th century, financial security resulted in a shift among middle Americans toward social issues.  In an early warning against identity politics, Scammon wrote, “The typical voter is unyoung, unpoor and unblack.”  Therefore, from a counter-intuitive perspective, the Democratic party becomes it own worst enemy ever time a Democratic administration cleans up the economic carnage left behind by their Republican predecessors.  Bill Clinton oversees the strongest economy in decades and voters choose “compassionate conservatism” over staying the course.  Barack Obama shepherds a seven year recovery from the worst recession in 70 years and the electorate chooses Trump’s “build that wall” and “lock her up” over Hillary Clinton’s “Big Challenges, Real Solutions.”

This explains why, despite his low approval ratings, a majority of analysts and political pundits predicted as late as January 2020, Trump was the odds-on favorite to win re-election.  Although Trump’s campaign thought their wildcard was the record high stock market and low unemployment, it was not the state of the economy which offered him a path to four more years in the Oval Office.  It was his ability to once again, in the absence of economic concerns,  make the election about cultural issues.

Which brings me back to W. and the opening quote.  In 2016, Donald Trump fooled just enough people to carry the electoral college.  Without the benefit of a post-pandemic economic boom, Trump and his surrogates struggle for a different rationale.  The latest ploy, as reported by the Associated Press this morning, is “Trust me.  We built the greatest economy in the world.  I’ll do it a second time.”

Fool me once?  For many Trump supporters, once is a quantum understatement.  Consider the following.

  • Trust me.  If I am the nominee, I’ll show you my tax returns.  Still waiting.
  • Trust me.  Melania’s Einstein visa was by the book.  She’s going to hold a press conference to answer your questions.  Still waiting.
  • Trust me.  I welcome the opportunity to be interviewed by Robert Mueller.  Never happened.
  • Trust me.  The majority of benefits from the tax cut will go to the middle class.  Never happened.
  • Trust me.  I’ll drain the swamp.  More full than ever.
  • Trust me.  I’ll tell you the truth.  That was 18,000+ lies ago.
  • Trust me.  I’ll bring peace to the Middle East.  Still waiting.
  • Trust me.  I will not profit from being president.  LOL.
  • Trust me.  I’ll replace Obamacare with something better.  Still waiting.
  • Trust me.  The coronavirus will miraculously disappear in April.  Weeping for the 100,000 dead Americans this Memorial Day weekend.
  • Trust me.  Hydroxychloroquine can prevent your getting the coronavirus.  NOT.
  • Trust me.  American farmers never had it better.  Record number of bankruptcies despite total $56 billion in bailouts.
  • Trust me.  You’re going to get so tired of winning, you’re going to say, “enough already.”  Did he mean to say “whining?”

And yet 42.9 percent of voters say they will vote for Trump in November and 8.7 percent are still undecided. (Source:  Real Clear Politics Average of Polls)  Which is why November 3rd is not about Trump.  Imagine your doctor asked for your trust after being wrong so many times.  Or your financial advisor.  Or your lawyer. Or your pastor/rabbi lied to you constantly.  Or your therapist.  Or your boss.  Or one of your employees.  How long would you maintain that personal or professional relationship?  And if you did, how long before a friend or family member asked, “Are YOU insane?”

In an effort to expose Trump’s character and its impact on America, people including former First Lady Michelle Obama often quote Maya Angelo.  “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.”  If, on November 3rd, the voters give Donald Trump four more years as president, chief executive and commander-in-chief, all jobs for which he has demonstrated incompetence and a lack of basic understanding, it will prove Angelo’s words were directed at the wrong audience.  A more accurate interpretation would be, “When we see ourselves for who we are, believe it.”

For what it’s worth.

Law and Disorder


One of the most creative occupations in the world is defense lawyer.  On how many occasions has a defendant’s counsel been asked to implicitly address the question, “When is an action which normally would constitute a crime, not a crime?”  Many television courtroom dramas, most notably Boston Legal, owe their ratings to this premise.  How could Alan Shore (James Spader), Denny Crane (Willam Shatner) or Shirley Schmidt (Candice Bergen) possibly argue a client’s innocence despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary?  And yet, they did and won most of the time.

This morning we are confronted with the opposite hypothesis.  When does a technically legal action become a crime?  The incident which triggered this topic was the shooting at 7:25 p.m. last night at the Westgate Entertainment District in Glendale, Arizona.  A man wearing a camouflage mask opened fire with an AR-15, wounding three individuals.  The suspect was taken into custody by local police.  State Senator Martin Quezada witnessed the shooting and tweeted, “I just witnessed an armed terrorist with an AR-15 shoot up Westgate.  There are multiple victims.”

Should anyone be surprised?  Earlier this week a friend drafted an op-ed piece for our local paper about the increased probability of violence when a president of the United States describes individuals brandishing assault weapons as “good people.”  My response, “I think we may be only one beer too many away from a Kent State moment.”  Although we, as yet, have no idea of the assailant’s alcohol level at the time of the shooting nor his motivation, the incident in Glendale is exactly what my friend and I feared would happen.

The Arizona shooter will be charged with a crime and have his day in court.  And we should not be shocked when his defense counsel argues he was provoked while exercising his First Amendment right to assembly and, since Arizona has no law restricting assault weapons, he was within his Second Amendment rights to bring the AR-15 to the shopping complex.  And the lawyer will remind the judge his positions have been regularly upheld by justices who favor a strict construction of the language in the Constitution.  Forget the First Amendment only guarantees “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances” or the shooter was not acting as a member of a well-regulated militia” as required under the Second Amendment.  Only in what has become the darkest corners of American does peaceable equal armed to the hilt with an assault weapon and petition includes intimidation under threat of violence.

Equally important, these armed “patriots” forget thirteen years before there was a First and Second Amendment, the country was founded on the principle that everyone had an unalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  To protect that right which theists attribute to their Creator, not a mere assembly of their peers, it is time for legislators and prosecutors to be as creative as defense attorneys.

Which brings me back to Senator Quezada’s use of the word “terrorist.”  Can anyone imagine law enforcement authorities standing by if a person of color carried a pressure cooker into a mall?  Or an associate of El Chapo approached the Colorado prison, where the drug lord is being held, wearing a bullet proof vest and carrying an AK-47.  Would either be allowed to claim immunity because they were peaceably assembling or petitioning the government?

Many states have laws which make the presence of a lethal weapon during the commission of a lesser crime (e.g. robbery) illegal even if the perpetrator never intended to use the weapon.  Why isn’t obstruction of official government business a crime?  You or I can be arrested for disrupting a session of Congress from the gallery.  Should not the use of a deadly weapon to obstruct official government business be equally worthy of punishment, if not more so?

On a broader scale, perhaps it is time to rethink the entire penal code related to crimes involving firearms, even if the purpose for brandishing the weapon is only to threaten or intimidate.  For example, manslaughter is defined as “unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life.” (NOLO.COM)  Remember that innovative defense lawyer?  He or she will argue, if the charge is voluntary manslaughter, the client was strongly provoked and acted in “the heat of passion.”  Yet, it is still a crime.

Now consider what might be called “premeditated provocation.”  A disgruntled citizen reads a tweet from the chief executive of the United States urging him to LIBERATE his home state.  And as an added touch suggests those looking out for public health have an ulterior motive to restrict his non-existent Second Amendment rights.  Does he email his state representative or the governor?  Does he draft an op-ed for the local newspaper?  Does he put a sign in his front yard?

Wisconsin GOP official asks protesters to leave Confederate flags ...NO!  Instead he decides to put on camouflage clothing and  a bullet proof vest and chooses the most ominous looking weapon from his arms cabinet.  He makes a sign which reads, “Live Free or Die” or what must be the new definition of irony, “Favor Liberty over Arbitrary Power.” Are we expected to believe he goes through all these gyrations because he thinks it is how one peaceably assembles or petitions the government?  Or is it more likely he is intentionally creating a situation which is consistent with what has become the ethos of the right, “owning the libs?”  And unfortunately when a shot is fired, he will argue, “I didn’t shoot anyone.  That was the guy standing next me.  And he only fired because that liberal snowflake said our long-rifles were compensation for our small penises. Why are you blaming me?”

And how does that unidentified president of the United States respond?  He offers to cover these “good people’s” legal bills.  Which, of course, he never actually does.

For what it’s worth.


And the Oscar Goes to…


Kudos to the majority of Americans who, rather than complain about the many inconveniences and struggles associated with a global health crisis, choose instead to adapt and search for innovative ways to cope with their situation.  In many cases, this involves shelving long-standing practices or traditions.  For example, just yesterday the House of Representatives modified its rules to allow for remote voting.  And states such as Maryland now allow bars to offer take-out drinks.

When spectator sports return, stadiums and arenas will most likely be spectator-less.  But as they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”  Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live at Home, Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry wondered whether NBA broadcasts would be more interesting if more players wore microphones so viewers could hear the trash talk on the court.  The NFL is considering piping crowd noise into the stadiums.  And one network has suggested they may fill the empty seats with animated fans to simulate crowd reactions.  Personally, I cannot wait to see the caricatures of the Washington Redskins “Hogs” or the Cleveland Browns “Dawg Pound.”

Award transparent oscar, Picture #951644 award transparent oscarAmong the first to confirm such a change was the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the organization responsible for the annual Oscar presentations.  With many movie studios allowing scheduled theatrical releases to be offered directly via “on-demand” television, the Academy announced a rule change by which these films which may never play in theaters could be considered in this year’s competition.  My question is why should they stop there.  Some of the best performances in 2020 were not produced by major studies or independent filmmakers.

Therefore, I am recommending two new categories.  The first would be a major departure for the Academy.  Instead of limiting awards only to those who make movies, I suggest there be one for those who show them.  I call it, “Best Performance by a Projectionist.”  And even though the year is not yet half over, there are several performances worthy of consideration.  If held today, the nominees would be:

  • Donald J. Trump for “Running on Empty” in which he accuses the Obama administration of depleting government stockpiles of personal protective equipment.
  • Donald J. Trump for “A Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue” in which he accuses everybody else of everything he has failed at over the past three and a half years.
  • Donald J. Trump for his starring role in a remake of Tyler Perry’s “The Family That Preys” in which he accuses Barack and Michele Obama of profiting on their public service by writing best selling memoirs.
  • Donald J. Trump for his performance in the remake of “Pinocchio” in which he accuses Joe Biden of being a Chinese and Ukrainian puppet.
  • And finally, Donald J. Trump in “Broadcast Fake News.”  NOTE: The Academy screener has been edited for time as the director’s cut covering all 18,000+ lies runs over five days long.

The second new category pays tribute to those individuals who feel they have been snubbed by the Academy.  Based on the current favorites, the nominees for “Best Performance in a ‘Me Too’ Role” include:

  • Tara Reade in a remake of the Laurel and Hardy 1928 silent classic “The Finishing Touch.”  The film highlights her evolution from “what about me” beginning with her accusing Joe Biden of putting his hands on her shoulders and hair.  When that fails to garner the desired attention, she invokes “me too” with a charge of sexual assault.  Reviewers did question the credibility of the film’s plot by pointing out it really makes no sense to use the term “me too” when no one else has accused Biden of a similar violation.  If there had been a “Best Performance in a ‘Just Me’ Role,”  Reade would have been the hands-off favorite.
  • Vice-president Mike Pence for reprising the Jim Carrey role in “Not The Mask.”  No explanation necessary.
  • Jet Linx Vice-chairman and major GOP donor John Denny Carreker for “Up in the Air.”  The company which caters to CEOs and corporate executives received a $27 million bailout under the CARES Act in return for a $50,000 donation to the Republican National Committee.  Rumor has it, if Carreker does not win the Oscar he will receive the Gordon Gecko honorable mention trophy.
  • Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for his performance in both title roles in the remake of “Dumb and Dumber.”  Kemp blindly followed Donald Trump’s urging to re-open the state only to be tossed under the bus when Trump questioned whether such action was too soon pending a vaccine or treatment. (Clearly a case of premature inoculation.)
  • White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany in the remake of the 1973 British comedy “Don’t Just Lie There, Say Something.”  Within minutes of promising the White House press corps, “I will never lie to you” she joins the “me too” parade of Trump staff and surrogates who react to the truth like a vampire reacts to garlic, a cross and sunlight.

And that’s today’s entertainment report.  Tune in next week to learn if any of these contenders has been eliminated by more deserving competitors.

For what it’s worth.

Man Bites Dog


The covid-19 pandemic has exposed the depth of America’s fall from greatness.

~Eugene Robinson/Washington Post

Coronavirus: How Italy is refusing to let virus outbreak be the ...As many of you know, last fall I taught at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.  My temporary residence was just blocks from the center city and Duomo.  Most evenings I would go to a restaurant on the Duomo plaza to watch the people and enjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere.  As Milan became the epicenter of Europe’s pandemic experience, I stayed in touch with many of my colleagues and students, concerned about their well-being and sharing my sadness at pictures of the city which were so different from the Milan I knew.

But now, concern is redirected toward us in the USA.  They call and email me and the most voiced reaction is disbelief that America was so unprepared for and so unable to deal with this health crisis.  My own experience echos that of Robinson’s when he says “the United States is a country to be pitied.”

The lasting impact of this change in international attitude toward the U.S. will morph over time.  While Americans are dying and our economic woes impact world markets, sympathy and concern are the order of the day.  But even when life returns to some semblance of normalcy, there will be a cultural hangover, most evident once comedians and ordinary citizens again feel safe to joke about the pandemic of 2020.  How do I know this?  It is the one cultural constant throughout the history of mankind.  Considering the following.

A half-century after the end of World War II, Rodney Dangerfield still told jokes about Italian military incompetence.  “Why does the new Italian navy have glass-bottom boats?  To see the old Italian navy.”

To go back even farther, thousands of years have not erased the stereotype of homosexuals serving as foot soldiers (called “hoplites”) in ancient Greek armies. Thus the origins of the now politically incorrect WWII joke, “Greek soldiers never leave their buddies behind.”

However, nothing compares to the litany of dark humor associated with France’s response to its invasion by Nazi Germany.

  • What does the new French flag look like?  A white cross emblazoned on a white background.
  • What do you call a French man killed defending his country?  I don’t know either, it has never happened.
  • The Warsaw Ghetto held out longer than France.

Want more?  Just Google “World War II Jokes about (COUNTRY).”  Page after page of hits.  Unless the country name you substitute is the United States.  At the top of that list is an article on FORCES.NET titled, “Our 9 Favourite WWII Jokes of All Time.”  Spelling of the word “favourite” is a dead giveaway the source is of British origin.  The targets of these wisecracks include Germans, the French and even British superior officers.  Gags about Americans?  Zero.  When was the last time you conducted a Google search with NO relevant hits?

Unfortunately, we should not expect the same treatment when it comes to the current global health crisis.  Just imagine some future Italian Dangerfield or Lewis Black including the following quip in a stand-up performance.  “Donald Trump promised the virus would miraculously disappear in April 2020.  The only things that disappeared in April were several government medical experts and 65,000 other Americans.”

For what it’s worth.


Flyover Country

When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

Donald J. Trump/January 20, 2017

After the 2016 election campaign and the first three years of Trump’s occupancy of the White House, the probability Americans would ever be united again was unimaginable.  But the events of this past week remind us anything is possible.

Let’s begin with the recent survey conducted in April by Harvard, Northeastern and Rutgers Universities that measures Americans’ attitudes about the coronavirus, efforts to stem the pandemic and mitigate its impact on the nation’s health and safety.  When viewing these numbers, keep in mind the constant drumbeat by the media of a 50/50 split in the electorate and, in electoral politics, a 55/45 spread is considered a landslide.

  • Only seven percent (7%) of all respondents favored reopening the economy immediately.
  • Eight-eight percent (88%) rated the Center for Disease Control as “a trusted government entity.”
  • Ninety-six percent (96%) expressed trust in their local hospital or own doctor.
  • Ninety-three percent (93%) said they trusted scientists and researchers.
  • Eight-one percent (81%) trust their state government and eighty-two percent (82%) feel likewise about their local government compared to a trust rating of fifty-seven percent (57%) for Congress and fifty-one percent (51%) for Trump.
  • The respective governors of ALL 50 states have a higher approval rating than Trump when it comes to their response to the pandemic.
  • Fifty-five percent (55%) of respondents reported they very closely follow the recommendation to wear a face mask when outside their home and another twenty percent (20%) say they somewhat closely follow the recommendation.  Only fourteen percent (14%) said they do not follow the recommendation at all.
  • Ninety-one percent (91%) strongly or somewhat approve keeping K-12 schools closed for another 30 days.
  • Ninety-four percent (94%) strongly or somewhat approve of sheltering-in-place and avoiding group gatherings.
  • Ninety-two percent (92%) strongly or somewhat approve of canceling major sports and entertainment events.
  • Ninety-one percent (91%) approve limiting restaurants to deliver or carry-out only.

On a related issue, according to an April 30, 2020 poll, the Pew Research Center reports 67 percent of all respondents believe the November election will be disrupted due to the pandemic and 70 percent favor vote-by-mail being available to anyone who wants it.  Moscow Mitch, are you listening?

So much for a divided nation.  Although there were statistically significant differences between Democrats and Republicans, in no case were the sentiments among partisans polar opposites.  But that was not good enough for Donald Trump.  In one last effort to bring the nation together, he is attempting to erase one more distinction between coastal blue states and heartland red states, often referred to as “flyover country.”  Trump ordered the Air Force Thunderbirds and Navy Blue Angels to make cities affected by the pandemic part of “flyover country” to “pay tribute to our front-line health care workers confronting COVID.”

While the Defense Department claims the flyovers represent no additional cost to taxpayers since the planes must be continually maintained and the pilots are salaried military, reported estimates suggest the marginal costs of flight time total $60,000/hour.  So, for those of you with short term memory, Trump had no issue taking money from military projects to build his wall.  However, it probably never crossed his mind first responders, doctors and nurses might be better served by re-allocating the dollars spent on these brief air shows for personal protective equipment or testing.

The continuing embarrassment of Trump’s insistence on making this national tragedy an entertainment-driven reality show suggests his legacy will be less described by the term “flyover” than by the term “fly open.”

For what it’s worth.