Category Archives: Culture

Professor Heal Thyself

What a week!! Not just for Donald Trump, but also for yours truly. Just one more experience proving that we should all practice what we preach.  While teaching a course about imaginative problem solving, I would tell students to make sure they did not mistake symptoms for the root cause.  Yet that’s exactly what I did this week.

  • On Monday afternoon, I began to experience sharp pain in one of my right front teeth.  To hopefully relieve the discomfort, I used my wife’s Sensodyne toothpaste that evening.
  • Tuesday morning, the pain persisted so I went to the dentist first thing.  X-rays showed no trauma and the dentist suggested it might be the equivalent of an arm bruise.  Give it a day or two and if it persists call us back.
  • That same morning I noticed my lip was swollen and I was developing a rash around my mouth.  The only recent routine change was switching toothpaste.  I Googled “Sensodyne rash” and found others had the same experience.
  • Wednesday, I developed an earache.  Possibilities included an extension of the tooth problem or the allergy rash. Or was the result of overuse of earbuds.
  • It was worse on Thursday morning; so I went to the UrgentCare center where we live.  The doctor looked at me no more than 30 seconds and said, “SHINGLES.”

Image result for shinglesThis root cause explained each and every symptom.  Shingles break out in one’s nervous system and travel along the network laterally.  That explained why each symptom was on the right side of my face and how it had advanced from the mouth area to my right ear.  The lesson?  Internet sites like WEBMD.COM are useful but they focus on symptoms.  They do not connect the dots as did the UrgentCare physician.

What made me want to share this experience with you?  Ann Coulter’s appearance last night on Real Time with Bill Maher.  Coulter had been scheduled as the opening guest weeks before she posted the following Tweets yesterday afternoon.

Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States.

Trump tweets about Roger Stone raid, “Who alerted CNN to be there?” Just think! If you were president, you could haul the FBI director’s ass into the Oval Office and ask him yourself.

Maybe the solution to the border crisis is not deporting 22 million illegals but one Jared Kushner.

Image result for ann coulter bill maherReferencing the Tweets, Maher teased, “So, exactly when did you realize Trump was a lying conman?” Coulter argued her dissatisfaction had nothing to do with character (she finds his puffery to be charming), it was his breaking a promise he voiced every day for two years.  Trump did not just let her down.  She was simply representing his supporters whom he had let down.  And that is when I realized the lesson I learned from my week of discomfort eluded Ms. Coulter.  Her continued support for the wall and other anti-immigration policies, she claimed, was from her allegiance to the cause of the economic unrest among middle and lower income Americans.   Her thesis being they are continually screwed by both parties, the U.S. Chamber or Commerce and individuals like the Koch brothers who, for different reasons, want unabated immigration.  If she honestly believes immigration is the root cause of income inequality, Cornell University should rescind her BA in history.  She went on to suggest Trump will not survive without the strong support of the base which carried him into office.

I believe the exact opposite to be true.  To bolster this opinion, one need only look at the Republican Party’s willingness to ignore the most thoughtful and honest political analysis produced in the past quarter century.  Unable to understand how the party had twice lost the presidency to a first-term, Afro-American Senator and former “community organizer,” RNC chair Reince Priebus launched the “Growth and Opportunity Project,” which later became known as the GOP autopsy report.  Consider the following excerpts.

The perception, revealed in polling, that the GOP does not care about people is doing great harm to the Party and its candidates on the federal level, especially in presidential years. It is a major deficiency that must be addressed. [Dr. ESP: I guess Wilbur Cohen, Lara Trump and Sara Sanders missed that one.]

America is changing demographically, and unless Republicans are able to grow our appeal the way GOP governors have done, the changes tilt the playing field even more in the Democratic direction.

Demographics may change America, but American history shows that it is the power of ideas that changes us the most. Republicans should never look at one group of Americans and assume we can’t reach them. Good ideas reach everyone.

Damn good advice.  Instead, the GOP jumped on the bandwagon of the individual who daily violates all three of these core principles: empathy, diversity, sound policy.  Whether Trump won the election legitimately or not is unimportant.  Once Trump took office, the GOP leadership shelved the autopsy in favor of a short-term salve that temporarily treated the rash but masked the root issues responsible for a problem, to some extent, Ann Coulter correctly identifies: income inequality.

It is still a mystery to me that anyone who feels the American economy has left them behind would think Donald Trump is the answer.  As they say in Texas, Trump is “all hat, no cattle.”  That became quite clear over the course of the last month.  And if the polling is correct, the pool of reliable Trump defenders is shrinking.

The question going forward is, “Will the Democrats pay more attention to the GOP autopsy report than the people who commissioned it?”  Especially, “good ideas reach everyone.”  I would add one more prerogative.  Democrats must do a better job of selling good ideas in a way the message reaches everyone.  Not with the BandAid-du-jour slogan like “build that wall.” With a legible road map which explains how a decision or policy at Point A gets us to the destination Point B.  And more importantly, talking about the root causes of a problem or situation, not just the symptoms.

Unlike my situation, that will take more than 30 seconds and more than the single word “shingles.”


Because I am on Medicare, the total cost to diagnose and treat shingles was $75.00, a $15.00 co-pay at UrgentCare and $60.00 for the medication.  Without coverage it would have been over $400.00.  Getting old is a bitch, but it has its perks.

For what it’s worth.

T or F?

The 2020 Democratic primary season is officially open and already candidates are under attack both from within and outside the party.  Saturday night, Donald Trump one-upped his already racist labeling of Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas,” suggesting she would be more effective by posting Instagram videos from sites such as Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen.  (Did he get that idea from the portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office?).  And Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard is under fire from Democrats for past comments opposing marriage equality and her association with her father’s organization which promoted conversion therapy (positions which she says she now regrets).

No one should be surprised that the first volleys of the 2020 campaign center around identity politics.  Which brings me to the title of today’s post.  By “T or F?” my goal is not to determine whether the Democratic Party is consumed by an attempt to build a majority coalition based on gender, race, religion and sexual preference.  It is much bigger than that.  Does the healing process so badly needed after two decades of contentious partisanship depend on a single letter in the alphabet?

My hypothesis.  The successful candidate in 2020, regardless of party or ideology, will be the man or woman who focuses not on identiTy politics, but identiFy politics.  Which wannabe chief executive will draw on the aspirations and experiences which cross identity barriers and will respond to events rather than constituencies.  I know what you’re thinking.  There goes Dr. ESP again.  The idealist who suspends reality when it does not fit his world view.

Maybe, but there is enough evidence to suggest this is not as far fetched as some might believe.  Identify politics is what happens when the Muslim community in Pittsburgh reaches out to members of the Tree of Life Synagogue following the mass shooting last October.  Gun violence knows no identity.  Just ask the African American, Sikh, Jewish, Christian, Amish, LGBT, urban, rural communities or the parents of school children in both red and blue states.

It is the empathy of a farmer in Iowa or Nebraska who does not get a scheduled farm subsidy for a clerk in the Social Security Administration in Baltimore who did not get paid on Friday. Families of all kind shared a common experience this weekend, gathering around a kitchen table and wondering how they can afford life’s necessities without the revenue on which they depend.

It is a recognition by every American whose parents and grandparents came to the United States in search of a better life despite the risks that the contribution immigrants make to our country depends not on their condition when they first cross our border, but the extent to which they believe in the American tradition of a better life for their children than they had.

The cost of opioid addiction also spans age, gender, race and religious differences.  Examine the data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services for 2016 and 2017.  More than 130 individuals die every day of opioid-related overdoses.  At this rate, there can hardly be a single American who is not themselves or a family member or close friend untouched by this epidemic.  Every one of us can identify with the pain and grief that is all too common.

And most recently we witnessed the power of identify politics with the passage of The First Step Act.  Even Trump, who ran on a “tough on crime” platform signed a bill addressing the need for justice reform.  When the Koch Brothers and the ACLU are on the same side of any issue, it is a clear indication some policies transcend matters of poor versus rich or white versus black.

On the final exam for any candidate for president in 2020, there is only question.  “My agenda for the next four years depends on conditions which affect every American’s life, not who you are?  T or F?”

For what it’s worth.



Every time I think about a 30 foot concrete wall, my memory takes me back to a personal experience in early 1984.  At the time, I was director of community development and housing for the State of Texas.  On December 18, 1983 Texas experienced a historic deep-freeze with below freezing temperatures for 12 consecutive days.  It wiped out the entire citrus crop including that in Starr County along the Rio Grande border with Mexico.  As a result, the unemployment rate in Starr County jumped to nearly 70 percent.  At the request of then Governor Mark White, I was part of a team deployed to the border to identify public works projects (e.g., replacing dead palm trees along U.S. 83 which parallels the Rio Grande) through which we could pay residents and inject funds into the local economy.

As is the custom‘Dracula’s Castle’ : Blas Chapa's home has been unoccupied sine the late 1980's and is called Dracula's Castle by children who live below the hill in the Las Lomas colonia. - The Monitor in South Texas, you never conduct business without fellowship first.  In this case, the team was invited to dinner at the home of County Judge Blas Chapa the night before our scheduled meeting in Rio Grande City.  (In Texas, the county judge is the chief administrative officer as well as a judicial officer.)  That evening we were feted with barbecue and beer on Judge Chapa’s patio which provided a scenic view of the river and the natural habitat on the Mexican side.  Judge Chapa died in May 2010, but I can just imagine how he would have reacted to the thought of a 30 foot concrete wall obscuring the panoramic view of his estate, the river and the land beyond.  He owned the property down to the river’s edge, and I know he would have vigorously fought any taking by eminent domain for a public right-of-way for any unsightly intrusion on his estate.

Imagine the situation was reversed.  Suppose Blas Chapa was president, and made the case more illegal drugs were entering the U.S. along the Eastern seaboard than from Mexico.  The answer?  A thirty foot hardened concrete wall on the Florida coast including Palm Beach County.  Whom do you think might be the first to object.  My money is on the guy who lives in this house.

Image result for mar-a-lago

For what it’s worth.


Dangling Modifiers

My mother-in-law was an English teacher who, I know, would be the first to say of Donald Trump, “Forget the spelling errors.  This man cannot speak English!” I can only imagine her response to these recent tweets.

A 115 mile long contract? Wow, that would be something Trump could accurately call an accomplishment unmatched in American history.

I don’t remember Saudi Arabia promising to help rebuild America, unless of course he is referring to Trump and Kushner branded properties.

Wasn’t it bad enough when the Supreme Court declared corporations are people.  Now Trump thinks The Fed is a human being who can’t putt.

If you don’t believe me, just ask Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal and any former Miss Teenage America.  But wouldn’t it be more accurate to call these cases pre-Presidential Harassment?

Some ≠ one blank piece of paper. Maybe he’s just practicing how to sign the blank checks he promised Turkey, Iran, Syria and Russia.

Deprogramming101 wishes all loyal readers, including the Russian trolls and bots, a happy, healthy and grammatically correct 2019.


I did consider an alternative post titled, “Twas the Day After Christmas.”  Here’s a few excerpts.

Twas the day after Christmas, in the White House,
Only one person stirring, that bitter, orange Grouse;
When what to his white untanned eyes should appear,
But a border patrol with a sign that said, “FEAR!”
It came not for migrants who sought some relief,
It came for the minions who caused him such grief;
Out Tillerson, Kelly, McMaster and Mattis,
And don’t let the door knock you flat on your asses.

Then, into the oval Bob Mueller came with a sense,
To deliver his findings and vast documents.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know my stay here was dead.
He spoke not a word, but instead played a tape,
Of a hotel in Moscow which left me agape.
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
He couldn’t help saying, “I guess your life blows.”
Then I heard him relate what was on the grapevine,
It’s not my decision, but you ought to resign.

THE END (and not a minute to soon)!

For what it’s worth.

Moscow Dick

Yesterday, Donald Trump’s other “rat,” the one he pays NOT to blow the whistle on him did what no one expected he could do.  Rudy Guliani one-upped Michael Cohen who had previously testified his attempts on behalf of the Trump Organization to close a deal for a Trump Tower in Moscow continued through June 2016.  On yesterday’s edition of  ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulis, Guliani announced the efforts had continued right up to election day.  This is a saga of which great moments in literature emerge.  The muse calls.

Chapter 1. Loomings

Call me Ish-michael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me in the pursuit of law, I thought I would stray a little and see the underside parts of the world. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the path with me.

There now is your insular city of  Washington, DC, belted round by twelve-lane thoroughfares—power and fame surrounds it. Right and left, the streets take you downward. Its extreme downtown is the federal enclave and K Street, where that noble cause of public service is washed away by money, and cooled by Starbucks’ iced coffee, which a few hours previous were out of sight. Look at the crowds of power seekers there.

Thus begins the tale of Moscow Dick, the story of a young, restless and ambitious lawyer who, in pursuit of wealth and celebrity hitches his star to a captain of real estate, not knowing his benefactor was obsessed, driven by a whale of a real estate deal he would pursue for 30 years.  To truly understand the tale I would need to take you through each day and every event which leads to the climax.  But, I am supposed to be on holiday break.  So I will skip the detail and share with you the culmination of Ish-michael and his master’s fascination of putting his name on an edifice in the shadow of the Kremlin.

Chapter 135.  The Chase.–Third Decade

The morning of the third decade dawned fair and fresh, and once more I was called to Mr. Trump’s chamber. .

“D’ye ink it, Ish-michael?” cried Mr. Trump; but the deal was not yet in sight.

Suddenly a low rumbling sound was heard; a subterraneous hum; and then all held their breaths; as bedraggled with promises of lifted sanctions and a penthouse, a vast form shot lengthwise, but obliquely from the Kremlin. Shrouded in a thin drooping veil of mist, Putin hovered for a moment in the rainbowed air. Crushed thirty feet upwards, the waters flashed for an instant like heaps of fountains, leaving only the image of marble stairways, gold-fixtured rooms.

“Give way!” cried Mr. Trump to me, Ivanka and Junior, as we darted forward to the attack.

An offer was proffered; but the negotiations ran foul.  Mr. Trump stooped to save it; but he could not and was eventually dragged from the ship of state, and the House and Senate knew he was gone. Next instant, the dreams of Moscow Dick and his captain disappeared into the depths.

Epilogue.  “And I Only Am Escaped Alone to Tell Thee.” JOB

The drama’s done. Why then here does any one step forth?—Because one did survive the wreck. I was he whom the Fates ordained to take the place of Mr. Trump’s bowsman, Mr. Pence, when that bowsman assumed the vacant post; the same, who, when on the last day was also tossed from out of the rocking boat, was dropped astern. I floated on a soft and dirgelike main. On the second day, a sail drew near, nearer, and picked me up at last. It was the devious-cruising SS Pelosi, that in her retracing search after her missing children, only found another orphan.

For what it’s worth.