Category Archives: Culture

MacTrump/Act One


mactrumpCast of Characters (special all-white male cast)

  • MacTrump/Donald J. Trump
  • Lady MacTrump (his third wife)/Steve Bannon
  • King Duncan/George W. H. Bush
  • Malcolm, Prince of Dallas (1st son of Duncan)/George W. Bush
  • Donalbain, Prince of Tallahassee (2nd son of Duncan)/Jeb Bush
  • Macduff, Thane of Scottsdale/John McCain (understudy Lindsay Graham)
  • Banquo/Kellyanne Conway (alternative male)
  • The Witches/Vladimir Putin, Sergei Kislyak & Julian Assange

Act One/The Prophecy


So foul and fair a day I have not seen. The kingdom is a swamp.  And former kings Duncan and Malcolm knew not how to drain it.  Nor does the heir apparent Donalbain, he of low-energy.  Hark, who are these immigrants who call to me?  Speak, refugees!

The Witches

Neither immigrants nor refugees we be.  Like you, we are masters of the deal.  And if thou taketh our offer, we see a future in which you shall wear the crown.  But though you have many heirs, none shall sit on the throne after you.  Finally, beware of those you insult, for one of the targets of your contempt shall emerge to challenge you.


It truly is an attractive proposition, but dare I ask?  Will I be able to forge castles and fields of recreation bearing my name throughout the kingdom?

The Witches

Yes, my Lord.  They shall stand as emoluments to your legacy.


Then it is off to MacTrump Tower to tapp into this wellspring of good fortune.  I bid thee thanks and farewell.  And when I ascend to the White Throne you shall be amply rewarded.  (Aside: These three seem not so deplorable in mine eyes.) [Exits]

Keep America Great Again


I hope you are sitting down.  Because I’m going to make the argument Donald J. Trump, the so-called president of the United States, is perhaps the best thing that could have happened to our country.

Whether we want to admit  it or not, America, as envisioned by the founding fathers, is living on borrowed time.  Among his many observations on democracy, the Scottish judge and historian Alexander Fraser Tytler (aka Lord Woodhouselee) wrote:

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.

Not only has it been 228 years since ratification of the U.S. Constitution.  In less than ten years we have raced through three of the last four stages of Tytler’s life cycle of what the  Greeks called the polis or city/state.

You want the definition of complacency.  How about believing the election of the first African-American president was the beginning of post-racist America?  Instead it was a green light for bigots to come out of the woodwork and a justification for Supreme Court judges to gut voting rights for people of color.

How about apathy?  In 2016, 41.6 percent of Americans of voting age did not think it was worth their time to cast a ballot in the presidential election.  They did not believe their vote made a difference.

And dependence?  Enough voters in critical states were compelled to vote for the candidate who, during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, declared, “Nobody knows the system than me, which is why I alone can fix it.”  Translated, don’t worry, sit back and relax, I will take care of everything.

I am reminded of the story of the frog being slowly boiled alive.  When the threat to America comes in stages, like the frog who is subjected to an incremental rise in temperature, it is almost impossible to detect one’s pending doom until it is too late.  But that all changed on January 20.  Donald Trump, in three weeks, turned the dial to high.  And the frog now knows it is in a fight for its very existence.

Ironically, Trump has done the one thing Hillary Clinton could never have done.  He has reversed a historic trend.  Instead of accepting dependence and possible bondage, many Americans, by the following actions, are saying, “Let’s prove Tytler wrong.  We will not be apathetic.  Complacency is not an option.”

  • On January 21, millions of men and women around the world marched to demonstrate they would resist efforts to roll back women’s rights and other hard-earned rewards of democracy.
  • Following an ill-conceived and incompetently implemented executive order banning legal and already extremely vetted immigrants and refugees from selected Muslim nations, average citizens swarmed every major international airport to proclaim, “This is not who we are.”
  • Post-card parties are popping up all across the nation at which citizens are letting their representatives know, in the words of the immortal Howard Beale, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.”
  • Four duly appointed federal judges told a questionably elected individual you are not king and no one in America is above the law.
  • Over a thousand Utahans jammed a town meeting to tell Republican congressman and chair of the Government Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz, “DO YOUR JOB!”  They called for investigations of Trump violations of the emolument clause of the Constitution (pertaining to receipt of monetary or in-kind gifts from foreign governments or their representatives), inappropriate contacts by National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador prior to the inauguration and Kellyanne Conway’s violation of federal law when she used her public position to shill for Ivanka Trump’s made-in-China line of clothing.
  • Scientists are planning an Earth Day march on Washington to remind Trump, his cabinet and numerous Republican senators and congressmen climate change is real and the scientific method is still valid.

Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, former CNN host and and U.S. editor for the Daily Mail On-Line Piers Morgan questioned the hysteria by Trump opponents and suggested they needed to give him some time. (NOTE: Is Morgan’s defense of Trump and his being named the winner on Celebrity Apprentice in 2008 a mere coincidence?)  In response, Australian comedian Jim Jeffries reminded Morgan more early hysteria in 1939 Germany might have been a good thing, “Hitler didn’t kill the Jews on the first day, he worked up to it.”

Rumor has it, Piers Morgan will now be writing for the Daily Mail under the pseudo-name Neville Chamberlain.

For what it’s worth.


“Mad Men” Reunion


On July 21, 2007, we were first introduced to Mad Men (Liongate Television, 2007-2015).  The title refers to the staff of a fictional Madison Avenue advertising agency in the 1960s.  Senior partner Don Draper (Jon Hamm) is the central character who struggles with both his professional and personal life when the sanitized world of the 1950s turns chaotic as Americans experience political assassinations, the Vietnam war and the sexual revolution.  The final episode aired on May 17, 2015 (spoiler alert) with Draper embracing the times and, as a result, coming up with the iconic 1971 Coca-Cola marketing campaign, “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.”

I encourage AMC, the cable network which broadcast the show, to consider a sequel.  Except, this time, the major protagonist is Donald J. Trump and the location has shifted from Madison Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue.  Two weeks into the new administration, you may be thinking Mad Men is the perfect moniker for Trump and his underlings who have exhibited behavior and a thought process consistent with any of the following definitions of the word “mad.” (Source:

  • arising from, indicative of, or marked by mental disorder —not used technically
  • completely unrestrained by reason and judgment
  • unable to think in a clear or sensible way
  • incapable of being explained or accounted for
  • carried away by intense anger

 But that would be too obvious when it comes to counter-intuitive thinking.  What triggered this post was the Trump administration’s use of 1960s advertising techniques to sell a product a majority of Americans have or should have no interest in buying.  At its core, 1960s marketing could be defined as “simple solutions to complex problems.”  Consider the following.  (1) Can’t get a date, try a new toothpaste or shampoo. (2) Want to be cool, smoke a particular brand of cigarettes.  (3) Want your home to be a palace of marital bliss, buy your wife the latest household appliance.

And what were the results?  Despite clean teeth and shiny hair, many consumers still found themselves sitting home on Saturday night.  Inhaling tar and nicotine was more likely to make you “stone cold dead,” rather than just cool.  And although I have no empirical evidence, I doubt the installation of a new Maytag washer and dryer prevented a single case of domestic abuse.

Now fast forward to 2017.  Losing sleep over ISIS and fear of terrorist attacks, ban Muslims from entering the United States.  Lost your job to more productive deployment of resources, cancel trade agreements and blame immigrants.  Believe a gay couple holding hands will destroy your marriage, manufacture a false war on Christianity.  If you honestly believe any of these quick fixes will make a difference, I have a pet rock listed on eBay for $1,000.00.

It took seven seasons for Don Draper to see the light.  I’m not sure we have the luxury of time for today’s Mad Men (and one woman, yes you Kellyanne) to experience a similar change of heart and mind.

For what it’s worth.


A Movie Trump SHOULD Watch


Overlooked due to all the other chaos initiated by Donald Trump over the weekend was news that the first official movie screening in the White House theater since the inauguration was Finding Dory .  This Pixar animated film, according to, is the story of a memory challenged blue tang who:

somehow became separated from her parents as a child. With help from her friends Nemo and Marlin, Dory embarks on an epic adventure to find them.

It did not take long for social media to point out the disconnect between the movie’s plot and Trump’s executive order which attempted to block many such reunions in the United States.

The Hollywood Reporter made a second observation.  Movie studios have always made their complete catalog of films available to the White House.  Therefore, why Finding Dory when one has access to the plethora of engaging movies released in the past few month?  Compare Trump’s choice to Michelle Obama’s choice for the family’s final screening:  Hidden Figures.

The Reporter provided additional insight about the cinema tastes of the current White House occupant noting that Trump had also requested the Bryan Cranston/James Franco comedy Why Him?, which garnered a 39 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  One can imagine press secretary Sean Spicer justifying this selection by claiming it actually had the highest rating in the history of Rotten Tomatoes, PERIOD.  Or maybe Trump just wanted a film whose approval rating mirrored his own.

For fear of seeming to be an elitist, I must admit I too enjoy an inane movie now and then.  I cannot count how many times I have watched Animal House or Ghostbusters.  Or reruns of Seinfeld to the point I can almost recite the dialog of entire episodes.  But as a steady diet, it leaves me wanting.  Cinema is a powerful medium through which visual storytelling enlightens us about who we are and the world we live in.

The occupant of the White House, especially if he chooses not to read books or listen to diverse opinions, would be well served to take advantage of films which bring perspective and context to the decisions he faces on a daily basis.  The following is one example I would suggest as a good starting point.

Eye in the Sky (Entertainment One, 2015)

It’s too bad Trump did not watch this under-appreciated film before launching the raid on al Qaeda in Yemen last weekend. He would have heard General George Matherson (played by the late and sorely missed Alan Rickman) describe how success in the war against terrorism cannot be measured solely using body counts.  Explaining how the United States and its allies must win the propaganda war as well as physical engagements, Matherson tells his colleagues, “If they kill 80 people, we win the propaganda war.  If we kill one child, they do.”

According to medics on the ground in al Bayda province, the casualties from last weekend’s raid included “at least eight women and seven children aged between three and 13 years old.” (BBC News, February 2, 2017) The administration’s assessment of the raid?

Brave US forces were instrumental in killing an estimated 14 AQAP members and capturing important intelligence that will assist the US in preventing terrorism against its citizens and people around the world.

Matherson might have thought otherwise.  I can imagine him saying, “The administration may view the civilian deaths as collateral damage.  In truth, they are the new faces on al Qaeda recruitment posters.”

I certainly understand how Trump might want to escape the serious business of running a country by watching an animated film or the latest in a long string of James Franco mediocre comedies.  But even with his reported short attention span (per Art of the Deal ghostwriter Tony Schwartz), two hours watching a movie which articulates the legal and moral issues a righteous nation must confront even when fighting terrorism seems like a much better investment than an Atlantic City casino.

For what it’s worth.

Happy Alterative-Holidays

Spoiler:  More fake news from with the exception of the first two sentences.

Last Friday, the White House released the following statement commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day.

It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust.

Unreported was the first draft of the statement which read as follows:

It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust, not to mention the Jews, whom we have decided NOT to mention in deference to our alt-right supporters.

In this vain, we can look forward to additional White House statements commemorating other National holidays and celebrations.  For example:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Today is testament to the courage of all orators, good and bad, who have organized marches on the Nation’s capital regardless of substance or attendance, not to mention Dr. King, whom we decided NOT…(but we repeat ourselves).

Presidents Day

Today we acknowledge the contribution of the 43 white dudes who have served as chief executive of the United States and that Kenyan-born Muslim who made it possible for Donald J. Trump to mobilize the alt-right during the 2016 election.

Mothers Day

On this second Sunday in May, we show our appreciation to all those parents, sperm donors, nannies and private/parochial schools who contribute to the miracle of new life and nurture privileged children from birth through adolescence to adulthood.

Veterans Day

Maintaining the peace and securing the homeland is a daunting task.  We owe it to those who, like Donald Trump, have personally sacrificed by building businesses on the backs of taxpayers (including actual veterans) and creating jobs to provide our armed forces with the tools they need to wage war.  Today we honor Halliburton, United Technologies, Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon and General Dynamics, their officers and stockholders for keeping American safe and strong.  In honor of Veterans Day, Trump laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown CEO.

April Fools Day

The White House sadly admits it could not come up with a statement that adequately covers the tricks and verbal gymnastics perpetrated on the American public this year.  Anyway, you April fools already know who you are.

In a related development, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were asked for their reactions to these pronouncements.  Parroting his response to the Muslim ban and the appointment of White House political adviser Steve Bannon to the National Security Council, Chatty Paul (just pull the string on his back) replied, “It’s regrettable that there was some confusion on the rollout, but I’m fine with it.” Senator Mitchell ducked back into his shell.

For what it’s worth.