Category Archives: Media

Fool Me Twice

Once again, the media and the Democratic Party recently proved the counter-intuitive adage, “With enemies like this, who needs friends.” Consider the following.

Tennessee Senate Race 

Image result for tennessee senate candidate supports kavanaughOn October 5, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Tennessee Phil Bredesen announced, that if he were the incumbent, he would vote to confirm then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  Did Bredesen actually believe he could attract moderate Republican votes by taking what could only be described as a perverse #metoo (as in I’m also willing to sell my soul) stand on this issue.  His only hope of winning was by mobilizing the potential energy of women voters, especially suburban independents, who feel Trump and his local mouthpiece Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn do not represent their interests.

Did Bredesen not pay attention to the last attempt by Democrats to placate Republicans in hopes of building bipartisan support?  Did he fail to see what happened when Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer accepted Republican amendments to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in hopes of garnering a few votes from across the aisle?  How did that turn out?  The Democratic Party ended up having to defend a Rube Goldberg health care program created by the Heritage Foundation and then Republicans used ACA as a central issue against the Democrats in the 2010 mid-term elections.

When are Democrats going to wake up to a very convenient truth?  On social issues, the overwhelming majority of Americans are progressive.  They love Social Security and Medicare.  They think women have a right to control their own bodies.  They support a living wage.  They know climate change is real.  They do not equate money with freedom of expression.  No one wants a college education to mire graduates in years of debt.   Users do not want the internet to be controlled by a few service providers.  The Democratic party agrees shares those views.  So why won’t Democratic candidates own policies which the majority of Americans support, even in many so called red states?

It’s not like Bredesen didn’t have other things to tout.  For example, every time Democrats bring back the economy from the brink of disaster or begin to chip away at the deficit, Republicans use it as an excuse to finance massive tax cuts for their major donors.  Or does it really make sense to disrupt global agriculture markets with a trade war and then ask taxpayers to bail out the victims?  Hell, his home state of Tennessee is being hurt by European Union tariffs on Tennessee whiskey. Even when it comes to Kavanaugh’s confirmation, most Americans felt a more rigorous investigation of the assault accusations were in order.  All Bredesen had to say was, “When I’m in the Senate, regardless of the president’s political affiliation, I promise candidates for the Supreme Court will be fully vetted with public access to the information which now only members of the Senate are allowed to see.  I’d like to tell you how I’d vote on the Kavanaugh nomination, but like you, I’m kept from seeing the very information on which I would base my decision.”

Instead, Bredesen’s logic says, I’d rather play to people who will NEVER vote for me.  And now he’s probably lost the support of those who were looking for an alternative to Trump and his Republican lemmings.  According to Politico, “Campaign volunteers have been calling to cancel door-knocking and phone-banking shifts for Bredesen since his statement backing Kavanaugh, according to an internal spreadsheet maintained by the campaign.”  If the Democrats fall one short of retaking the Senate, there is NO question who is responsible.

Jamal Khashoggi

Not once this week has a single media outlet asked the question, “What is it about Turkey which makes it the go to place for dealing with political dissidents?  Not unexpectedly, the attention has been focused on the disappearance and likely murder of U.S. resident and Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi.  But how short of a memory could the press have to discount the fact this is the second incident in the last two years in which a U.S. resident was the target of abduction by a foreign government?  Did they forget former Trump national security advisor and confessed felon Michael Flynn was under investigation for aiding the Turkish government in kidnapping cleric Fethullah Gülen who the Erdogan government accused of plotting a coup in July 2016?

Image result for tom clancyNor has any newspaper, even the one that carried Khashoggi’s column, asked, “Why now?  Was Khashoggi working on a story which was of particular interest to the Saudi royal family?”  I have tried my best to avoid conspiracy theories, so I’ll use the pseudonym Tom Clancy.  Imagine, if prior to his death in 2014, Clancy wrote a Jack Ryan novel titled Prince of Ties.  It might have gone something like this.

In hopes of garnering support from the United States government, the Saudi royal family becomes a major financier of an American real estate developer who has fallen on hard times.  Their beneficiary, who has threatened on multiple occasions to run for president of the United States, finally throws his hat in the ring.  And to the surprise of many, including himself, wins with the help of foreign funding and possible intervention in the electoral process. 

As a result, the president makes Saudi Arabia and especially a charismatic heir to the throne the centerpiece of Middle East policy.  This results in arms sales to ensure the survival of the current Saudi regime and support of Saudi military actions in Qatar and Yemen which appear contrary to America’s global interests.

A Saudi dissident, living in the U.S. and writing for the Washington Post, has begun to document the financial ties between the president, the chief executive’s family business and Saudi Arabia.  To prevent the story from making headlines, the Saudi government devises a plan to capture and interrogate the journalist.  European intelligence agencies discover the plot and share the information with the CIA which chooses not to include it in the president’s daily intelligence briefing.  Jack Ryan, now serving as CIA deputy director, questions his boss’ decision to withhold the information and is stonewalled as he tries to make sense of the situation.

I am not suggesting the Trump administration has colluded with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to silence Khashoggi.  But the mere possibility has the makings of one great spy novel.  What I will suggest is the lack of transparency about Trump financial entanglements makes everything suspect whether it should be or not.  American voters should not have to guess whether there is a personal quid pro quo behind oval office decisions on U.S. foreign policy.

Hey, Phil Bredesen!  Maybe you should have thought about running on that instead of blind support for Brett Kavanaugh.

For what it’s worth.

The Great American Face-Out


Lately, I have started my posts by mentioning a creativity tool or technique which I used to develop and flesh out the content on the topic du jour.  Today’s article again draws on Carl Jung’s concept of “synchronicity,” the ability to see connections where none seem to exist.  The observation which triggered today’s topic was the July 26, 2018 story on CBS Moneywatch, “Facebook stock suffers largest one-day drop in history, shedding $119 billion.”  The decline was based on data in the company’s most recent quarterly report :

  • The number of active users grew more slowly than estimated.
  • Imposition of new privacy laws by the European Union.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg took a one-day personal loss of $15.9 billion.  For the record, that is more than the market capitalization of Coors ($14 billion) and Macy’s ($12 billion).  No tears shed by me.  The company which promised to “Give people the power to build community and bring the world together (actual Facebook mission statement),” is nothing more a human version of crowd-funding where the currency is personal data instead of dollars.  And worse, they have lured each of us into doing their heavy lifting.

Facebook is an addiction.  A February 6, 2018 article on The Motley Fool website reported the average daily user, of which there are 1.4 billion, spends 41 minutes per day on Facebook.  No wonder Facebook is in the cross-hairs of those who want to understand how social media was such a major force in the 2016 presidential election.  Just imagine if voters had spent those 41 minutes reading a newspaper or magazine, learning more about the state of health care in America or facts about immigration.

Image result for the great american smokeoutWhich brings me back to Carl Jung and synchronicity.  How do organizations which fight other addictions make the habitué and public aware of the impact of dependency?  Perhaps the best example is “The Great American Smoke-Out.”  Since 1974, when editor of the Monticello Times (MN) Lynn R. Smith first proposed the idea (then called Don’t Smoke Day), the third Thursday in November each year is designated as a challenge for smokers to eschew their habit for at least 24 hours.  At the same time, media is flooded with helpful hints and tools smokers should consider to aid in permanently ending their desire or need for nicotine.

In the same spirit, I now declare May 14 (Mark Zuckerberg’s birthday) of each year to be “The Great American Face-Out,” a 24 hour period during which Facebook users give their thumbs a rest and keep the pictures of their children, pets, latest meal or vacation to themselves.  Which begs the question, “What do I do with all that time?”  The obvious answer is pick up a major national newspaper or magazine and learn something new about what is actually happening in the United States or around the world.  But I have a better idea.  Read something you normally would never read.  Here are a few suggestions.

  • Pick up a copy of The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic written by conservative talk show host Mark Levin.  It is the Koch brothers and Tea Party manifesto.  Proposed amendments include returning election of U.S. Senators to state legislatures (not by popular vote per the 17th amendment), allowing states to amend the Constitution without Congressional involvement in the process, limiting early voting, permitting two-thirds of the states to nullify federal laws and restricting judicial review by federal courts.
  • Spend 30 minutes on 4Chan, the website whose patrons have come up with the QAnon conspiracy theory and believe they are being manipulated by an international cabal of pedophiles including Tom Hanks.
  • Spend a few minutes on The Daily Stormer, the self-proclaimed “most-censored site on the Internet.”  Would the most censored site on the Internet start a story about a school play which explored the parallels between Anne Frank and DACA recipients by opening with the following.  “The only people that go to watch plays are homosexuals, housewives and the sons/husbands they manage to drag with them.”  Or a whole section called the “Jewish Problem.”

Why would I recommend this?  Because it is the source of much of the drivel that is spread, in sanitized form, on Facebook.  The source material puts the Facebook versions to shame. So, if you’re wondering why I cancelled my Facebook account,  it is not because I’m not interested in your lives.  I have email and you are welcome to share anything you want with me.  The real reason?  I stopped checking Facebook for a few days and guess what?  I can live without it.  Furthermore, in the real world I do not monetize my friendships.  Why would I want to be an accomplice to someone who does exactly that in the virtual world and can lose $119 billion and not have to turn to flipping burgers at McDonald’s?

For what it’s worth.


Cold As I.C.E.


I know the band Foreigner had no idea when they released “Cold As Ice” in 1977, they provided a more accurate description of Melania Trump than this weekend’s mainstream media suggestion Mrs. Trump has a conscience.

Image result for foreigner cold as iceI’ve seen it before
It happens all the time
You’re closing the door
You leave the world behind
You’re digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you’ll pay.

In contrast, the Washington Post on Saturday reported, “Melania Trump weighs in on her husband’s cruel policy.”   The Corpus Christie Caller-Times suggested, “Melania Trump takes a brave stand against her husband’s policies.” wrote, “Melania Trump and Laura Bush have openly criticized the U.S. government’s family separation policy.”

Brave stand?  As the Parkland students would say, “I call BS.” Let’s be honest, Melania Trump has personally SAID nothing.  Her office released a statement in which they claim she (in the third person) “hates to see children separated from their families.”  A dispassionate (cold as ice) statement which then parroted her husband’s claim others are responsible for the situation, forgetting this injustice she supposedly abhors was perpetrated by the cruel narcissus with whom she shares a residence.  Who drafted this statement?  Maybe it was the same person who dictated the now infamous explanation of the June 2016 meeting with Russians in Trump Tower?

The last time I checked Mrs. Trump is not a mute.  If she wanted to speak out against her husband’s policy, she would have been welcomed on any of the Sunday talk shows.  Or she could have submitted to an interview with any magazine or newspaper.

Nor did she follow Laura Bush’s example.  In an op-ed published in the Washington Post, the former First Lady, wrote in the first person.

I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.

Unlike her RNC convention speech, there is no chance FFLOTUS (faux first lady of the United States) plagiarized Michele Obama who seconded Laura Bush, tweeting, “Sometimes truth transcends party.”

Or Rosalynn Carter who tweeted, also in the first person.

When I was first lady, I worked to call attention to the plight of refugees fleeing Cambodia for Thailand.  I visited Thailand and witnessed firsthand the trauma of parents and children separated by circumstances beyond their control.  The practice and policy today of removing children from their parents’ care at our border with Mexico is disgraceful and a shame to our country.

And finally, Hillary Clinton shared a sentiment felt by many, as Melania’s ghostwriter said, “…on both sides of the aisle.”

What’s happening to families at the border right now is a humanitarian crisis. Every parent who has ever held a child in their arms, every human being with a sense of compassion and decency, should be outraged.

Suggesting Melania Trump is just one more voice in a chorus of first ladies who have actually spoken out against this atrocity is an insult.  A more apt comparison would be Princess Elsa of Arendelle who, in the Disney animated film Frozen, possessed cryokinetic powers and exiled herself to a fortress of ice.  The only remaining question is whether Mrs. Trump continues to be an accomplice in sustaining the moral winter which now blankets America.  If this is what she meant by “BE BEST,” I nostalgically prefer a time when Nancy Reagan told us, “JUST SAY NO!”

For what it’s worth.


It’s Complicated


Alternate Title:  “To Bee or Not To Bee”

Two days ago, Samantha Bee and TBS f***** up!  All of the apologies and lost sponsors cannot undo the damage.  And Bee’s supporters have spent the last 48 hours trying to parse the difference between Bee’s vulgarity and Roseanne Barr’s racist comments.  Get ready for a different perspective.  It is not about the unprecedented use of the c-word on basic cable.   (Even though the audio was bleeped out, there was no question what Bee said.)  Programs have been pushing that envelope continuously.  In fact, the same night, FX Channel censors approved the use of the f-word on the finale of “The Americans.”  And Comedy Central has given Trevor Noah free rein to call bulls*** by its full name instead of BS.

Samantha Bee’s “crime” was hypocrisy in the first degree.  If you believe Roseanne’s comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape is racist, you also have to believe referring to a woman as a c*** is misogynist, even when the speaker is female.  The comment was triggered by a Twitter photo of Ivanka Trump holding up her child while her father was tearing families apart along the the U.S./Mexico border.  What would Bee have said if the picture was of Jared rather than Ivanka?  Certainly, not the c-word.

Imagine yourself in the writers’ room.  I have no doubt someone might have said, “Can you believe the nerve of that c***?”  But that’s where it should have ended.  The task was not to share “writer  room chatter” but to make the point in a way consistent with the program’s entertainment as well as social mission.  Consider what the reaction would have been if Bee had shown the Twitter photograph on the screen and asked.

Now what would YOU call a woman who would post this on the same day Daddy is making sure immigrants and refugees will not have the same opportunity?  [Pauses and puts her finger to her temple. Gets ready to say something then pulls back. Finally, faces the camera head-on.] Callous!  Heartless!  Inhumane! Sadistic! Vicious.  Hard-hearted.  Cold-blooded! Malevolent. Unfeeling. Unkind.  Feel free to add your own.

A writer’s best friend is NOT SpellCheck.  It’s

Let’s be clear.  Bee’s remark was never intended to be funny.  The studio audience did not laugh, they gasped as I’m sure most home viewers did also.  My first reaction as I watched in real time Wednesday night, “Another holiday (oops Christmas) present to the alt-right cultural warriors.”  And once again, I thought of my favorite Ben Bradlee line to Woodward and Bernstein in All the President’s Men.  “You did something I didn’t think was possible.  You made people feel sorry for the President.”

In truth, the best adjective to characterize  Bee and her writers is LAZY.  Why?  Because ever since Jeff Sessions announced the administration would separate children from their parents as an anti-immigration tactic, I wanted to write a clever, yet insightful commentary to expose the policy for what it is, cruel and inconsistent with American values.  Below is the best I have come up with to date, a news story a la The Onion.

Dateline:  Washington, D.C., May 31, 2018

Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the administration had expanded its efforts to deter immigrants and refugees from entering the United States.  In addition to ripping children from their parents arms, in limited cases, the Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is separating  husbands and wives while being processed for deportation.  In some instances, the wives have been be sent to relocation centers.  Thomas Homan, ICE’s acting director, admitted under media questioning the policy shares some of the same problems with the parent/child protocol.  A number of spouses are currently unaccounted for.

One high profile case involves a 46 year old Slovenian immigrant who has been reported missing since May 12th.  She was last seen among the crowd welcoming home three Korean-Americans who had been released by North Korean leader Kim Jung-un.  Unconfirmed sighting have been reported in New York City and Palm Beach, Florida.

No knee-slapper, but neither is it a personal attack on any of the misguided individuals who think what they are doing will make America great again.  Writing this blog has given me a greater appreciation for the writers associated with programs like Saturday Night Live or Last Week Tonight.  I marvel at the teams that assemble the opening monologues for late night hosts Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers who are under the gun to present current events as entertainment 200 times each year.

Until Wednesday night, I felt the same way about Samantha Bee and her staff.  This morning, however, I join the chorus of those who believe TBS should take her show off the air.  And please don’t suggest I am violating her First Amendment rights to freedom of expression.  This is about the disservice she and her staff have done to the other professionals in the field of satirical humor.  There are enough people outside the profession taking pot shots at an American tradition dating back to Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain and Will Rogers.  The last thing any of us, especially supposed allies in the resistance, should do is give fodder to support the efforts of those who want to divide the nation along cultural lines.

For what it’s worth.


The Tipping Point


May 29, 2018.

Mark this date on your calendar.  It is the day on which three totally unrelated events (there’s that synchronicity thing again) signaled the first major crack in the tribal totem pole which has characterized the Trump era.

Event #1

Someone much smarter than I am (my daughter) once said to me, stop telling me what you see or hear on MSNBC or CNN.  It’s not news.  Tell me when Fox starts to push back on Donald Trump.  Well, yesterday was the day.  Not once, but THREE times.

During Shepard Smith Reporting, the host debunked Trump’s latest conspiracy theories that Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is a politically motivated, illegitimate and unlawful witch hunt.

Fox News knows of no evidence to support the president’s claim that lawmakers from both parties say using an informant to investigate suspected ties to Russia is not spying.  It’s part of a normal investigative process.

Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), in an interview with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum echoed Smith’s reporting.

It was President Trump himself who said… ‘I didn’t collude with Russia but if anyone connected with my campaign did, I want the FBI to find that out.’ It looks to me like the FBI was doing what President Trump said, ‘I want you to do, find it out.’…I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got.

And finally, Fox News judicial analyst and a strident Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano, also appearing with MacCallum, added:

The allegations from Mayor Giuliani over the weekend, which would lead us to believe that the Trump people think the FBI had an undercover agent who finagled his way into Trump’s campaign and was there as a spy on the campaign seem to be baseless — there is no evidence for that whatsoever.

Event #2

ABC cancels the #1 rated television show following Roseanne Barr’s blatant racist attack on Twitter referring to  President Barack Obama’s senior adviser Valerie Jarrett as an offspring of “the Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes.”  In ABC’s official announcement, Channing Dungey, president of ABC entertainment, stated:

Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show. There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing.

Even though the current occupant of the oval office has consistently put politics and party before values, it was refreshing to see corporate America say values trump (pun intended) profits.  Ironically, ABC’s decision fell on the same day Starbucks shuttered its 8,000+ U.S. stores for half a day to conduct racial sensitivity training for all its employees.

FOOTNOTE:  Channing Dungey (ABC) and Rosalind Brewer, COO at Starbucks, are both African-American, suggesting the discussions in corporate boardrooms are less likely to be “business as usual” when some of the chairs are occupied by other than white males.

Event #3

Image result for gassamaYesterday, French president Emmanuel Macron promised to bestow citizenship on Mali immigrant Mamoudou Gassama.  Gassama, now nicknamed “Spiderman,” became a social media sensation when he climbed the outside of an apartment building to save a four year-old child who was dangling from a fourth floor balcony.  Additionally, Gassama was offered a job with the Paris fire department.

In contrast, Trump geared up for the 2018 mid-term elections at a Nashville rally for Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn by focusing on immigrants he claims are not human beings, “but use glaring loopholes in our immigration laws to infiltrate our country to rape, murder and cut people into little pieces.”  He also blamed the administration’s policy that separates children from parents seeking asylum in the United States on congressional Democrats despite the “zero tolerance” approach announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  “If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law.”

So why should we view May 29 as a tipping point.  Because the choice we face is NOT whether we support Donald Trump or not.  It is whether we support values which no longer tolerate dishonesty and bigotry.  Yesterday, we witnessed three instances where Americans and one world leader made the right choice.  And I’m willing to bet these journalists, corporate leaders and political figures slept better last night for having made that decision.  From their respective positions of power and influence, each suggested a new rallying cry, “Mr. Trump, as they say south of the border, BASTA,  BASTA!”

For what it’s worth.