This morning’s edition of the Miami Herald included an article titled, “Conan Jokes May Have Killed, But He Stands Accused of Theft.” The plaintiff in the copyright infringement case is Robert Kaseberg, who among other credits was a staff writer for Jay Leno. According to the story, Kaseberg claimed, “he posted several jokes online that the late-night comedian repeated almost verbatim later that day or the next on his ‘Conan’ show on TBS.”
I know how Kaseberg feels. On May 10, 2017, I published a story about all the people Donald Trump has used as “human shields.” Last night, several news outlets referred to National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster as Trump’s “human shield,” denying that His Orangeness shared third party classified information with Russian officials last Wednesday. It is not beyond possibility that multiple people independently came up with the idea of referring to Trump apologists as human shields. So, any threat of legal action would be hard to justify.
But I did start thinking about some of the original ideas I shared with friends over the past couple of days. And as we always reminded our students at Miami University, you cannot copyright an idea. There must be a physical manifestation of the content. Therefore, I am presenting the following two pieces of political satire both for your enjoyment and to establish a record of creative origin.
Mein Furor
Though short-lived, there is a certain consistency in the initial White House explanations for each of Trump’s missteps. Last Tuesday, we were told Trump fired FBI director James Comey based on the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions in response to Comey’s mishandling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation. Two days later, Trump stated he had met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the “request” of Vladamir Putin. When transmitting the request to the oval office via the Russian embassy, I wonder if Putin included the phrase, “Make him an offer he can’t refuse.”
Maybe it is his German heritage, but I would not be surprised if Trump’s defense against charges of obstruction of justice and treason is, “I was only following orders.”
Strategic Impatience
I have often referenced former Naval intelligence officer Malcolm Nance’s call for “strategic patience” as the case unfolds for impeachment, resignation or removal under procedures contained in the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. Taking down a president of the United States is serious business and must be done right. However, even Nance now admits the pace at which events are occurring suggests a resolution to this national nightmare sooner rather than later. Why? Because Comrade Trump, rather than slowing down the process, has instead become the lead investigator, laying out new evidence daily to support charges and possible conviction of high crimes and misdemeanors.
This suggests the only person who wants Trump removed from office more than an increasing majority of the American people seems to be Trump himself. But that doesn’t make sense until you put this story together with the one above. Say what you will, Trump seems to be good at following orders. So who is pulling the strings this time? My best guess? Melania. One thing we know about the absentee first lady is her devotion to her son. One indication is her demanding Barron complete the current school year in New York City. So, the last thing she would want to do is to pull him out of St. Andrews Episcopal School in the middle of the next school year. For the 2017-18 academic year, the first day of school is August 14. Just in case, rumor has it Chief Justice Roberts has been practicing administering the presidential oath of office for a late summer Rose Garden ceremony.
I Need Your Help
While I try to watch clips from several of the late night talk shows to ensure this blog does not merely rehash otherwise available content, it is impossible to catch them all. Therefore, I would appreciate your reporting if any of the above stories are used by the host or guests. As a reward for ensuring the creative integrity of this material, you will receive a free life-time subscription to
For what it’s worth.