How Trump Could Close the Deal, But Can’t


For most voters, the question of Barack Obama’s nation of birth was no longer an issue during his 2012 re-election campaign.  When he finally released the original, long-form birth certificate on April 28, 2011, many people, myself included, wondered why he waited so long to debunk the conspiracy theories about his citizenship.

The answer is simple.  When you’re holding a full house in poker, you do not show your hand until it will have the maximum impact.  In other words, don’t encourage your opponents to fold.  Get them to go all in.  Then play them for a fool.  And that’s exactly what President Obama did.  For three years, he let the birthers spew their nonsense.  Only when they found someone (now who could that be?) to become the voice of their gibberish, did Obama turn over his trump card (pun intended).

Many thought the President’s use of this disclosure during the 2011 White House Correspondences Dinner was his comedic highlight of this annual event.  What we did not realize at the time, it was also his best magic act.  Any successful magician will tell you getting the audience to believe is all about misdirection.  While the media focused on the President’s birth certificate, Obama and his national security team set in motion the mission which would lead to Osama Bin Laden’s death three days later.  Well played, Mr. President.

Ironically, if Donald Trump really wanted to be president, he should take a page out of the current president’s playbook.  Ever since the Republican nominee stated he would release his tax returns at an appropriate time, he and his surrogates have provided excuse after excuse why he cannot.  This has created what one might call “the taxer movement,” a coalition of Democrats and some Republicans who speculate Trump refuses to follow presidential election tradition for one or more of the following reasons.

  • He is not as rich as he claims to be.
  • He has not paid any federal income taxes for multiple years.
  • He is less charitable than he avows.
  • He is in debt to foreign banks and private investors.

On September 7, 2016, Fox News released a poll in which 60 percent of the respondents felt Donald Trump was hiding something by not releasing his returns.

With one week left until the election, Mr. Trump, this is your chance to turn this race upside-down.  This is your opportunity to make all your critics look like fools.  Turn over your cards.  Show us you are worth $10 billion, you pay your fair share of taxes, you are a major philanthropist and your business deals do not represent conflicts of interests.

Do you want voters to forget about the Access Hollywood tape? Your insults and temperament issues? Your conflicting policies or lack of policies?  How sweet would it be to prove billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and Mark Cuban wrong?

Forget the audits.  Forget the lawyers and accountants.  If you honestly believe the future of America depends on your election, why would you not do the ONE thing that could turn the election around overnight?

There is only one logical answer.  YOU CAN’T.

For what it’s worth.


2 thoughts on “How Trump Could Close the Deal, But Can’t

  1. I agree he won’t……it would reveal many of his trumped up (pun intended) lies! His supporters don’t seem concerned with the facts. I’ve never seen anything like this. I hope I never do again. My friend, Penny, recently traveled to Africa. She said she was asked about Trump and her thoughts on him too many times to count. Sad, the whole world is watching this embarrassment !

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