Mirror, Mirror

If one thing is certain after every school shooting, it is the search for scapegoats.  The death of two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia has more than its share.  Except the one which truly deserves the title.  Let’s look at the candidates.

First, school resource officers are often the targets.  In this case, these law enforcement professionals performed exactly as required.  They confronted the shooter within minutes and prevented what might have been a massacre of much larger proportions.

Second, we have the 14 year old gunman, himself, described by MAGA vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance as “a psycho.”  The full story is yet to be told, but whatever mental challenges the boy may have had, the revelations about his family life seem to be more than a contributing factor.

Third, Colin Gray, the boy’s father, should be at the top of everyone’s list.  Talk about psychos?  Who in his right mind, after being told his son had threatened a school shooting on social media, would think an assault weapon for a 14 year old’s Christmas present was a good idea.  And, when questioned by law enforcement, likely lied on multiple occasions.  His son would never post that kind of language.  He only owned hunting rifles.  And they were secured.  Despite being charged with manslaughter, I have no doubt his defense lawyers will argue prosecutors cannot name a single state law their client violated.  He legally bought the rifle.  He legally gave it to his then 13 year old son.  He had no legal responsibility to store it safely.  He had no legal obligation to inform authorities of his son’s potentially destructive tendencies.  After he and Colt moved to Barrow County, there was no requirement that Gray notify authorities of the 2023 investigation in neighboring Jackson County.

Fourth, Governor Brian Kemp.  Do not forget Georgia’s lax gun laws (46th in the USA) were not good enough for Kemp.  He proudly signed legislation which expanded Georgians’ ability to carry firearms without a permit or training.  And opposed common sense gun safety laws such as universal background checks, safe storage or red flag laws.  The latter would have given Jackson County police and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation the right to remove “hunting rifles” from the Gray household after they discovered Colt used his social media sites to post threats of a school shooting.

Fifth, Congressman Mike Collins, who represents the district in which the shooting took place.  Mike Collins, who has a 100 percent rate from Gunowners of America, the self-proclaimed “no compromise” Second Amendment advocates, and a 92 percent rating from the National Rifle Association.  Mike Collins, who referred to the incident as “heartbreaking,” and of course, extended thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families.  Mike Collins, whose 2022 campaign included an ad of his firing an AR-15 with the tag line, “Send me to Washington and I’ll blow up the Democrats’ coverup.”

Which brings me to the sixth scapegoat, the one NO ONE is talking about.  As I watched horrified parents rushing to the Apalachee football field to reunite with those who had survived the shooting, I wondered, “How many of these concerned parents voted for Kemp and Collins?”  In 2022, 74.6 percent of Barrow County voters cast their ballots for Kemp and 76.3 for Collins.  In other words, three out of every four individuals who prayed their children were safe and will attend the funerals of those who were not as fortunate had no qualms about supporting candidates who claim to be pro-life, but time after time, choose the right of gun owners and manufacturers over the rights of children to go school without worrying if they will return home safely.

Among those responsible for this tragedy are WE THE PEOPLE, especially those who missed the iconic Walt Kelly cartoon, in which Pogo echoes the words of Naval Commander Oliver Perry during the War of 1812, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

For what it’s worth.

3 thoughts on “Mirror, Mirror

  1. Ouch.. Truth hurts.
    And actions and votes have consequences. Duly noted.
    Who in Georgia or anywhere in this country really, would put the dots together like you did?

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