The RAT That Roared


… or mind your pees and Qs.

I know, the temptation to write something clever about David Pecker was hard to pass up.  But, as always, my goal is to find that angle missed by the mainstream media.  It didn’t take long.

Over the past few days a number of media pundits have asked the question,  “Why would Donald Trump risk exposure of his (alleged) criminal activity by running for president when he could have taken his ill-gotten gains and lived out his final years playing golf?”  Which leads to a second question.  “Did Trump really expect to win the election?”  If not, the most rational explanation for the campaign was to build a considerable personal following which could be monetized in the form of a media empire and Trump branded products.

Related imageWhere had I seen this story before?  A 1959 Peter Sellers movie The Mouse That Roared.  In this satire, Sellers plays three residents of the fictional Duchy of  Grand Fenwick–Grand Duchess Gloriana XII, prime minister Count Rupert Mountjoy and game warden Tully Bascomb.  On the brink of bankruptcy, Mountjoy, drawing on the history of the post-WWII Marshall Plan, suggests Grand Fenwick declare war on the United States, surrender and seek financial aid to replenish the nation’s treasury.

However, the 20 member expeditionary force, led by Bascomb, is mistaken for alien invaders and taken seriously.  Surprised by their success, the Grand Fenwick army seeks refuge and finds itself in the company of Dr. Alfred Kokintz, inventor of the Q-bomb, an unstable, powerful weapon capable of destroying a continent.  With the “capture” of Dr. Kokintz, Bascomb declares victory and returns to Grand Fenwick with the scientist and his daughter.

Sound familiar?  Every time Donald Trump has been in dire financial straits, he would threaten to run for President.  But until 2015, he stepped back from the brink.  For whatever reasons, that changed when Trump descended into the presidential sweepstakes on that escalator in Trump Tower.  Having put together a rag-tag political army, Trump invaded the Republican party.  And to everyone’s surprise, including his own, Trump emerged victorious.

As if these parallels were not enough of an eerie coincidence, the latest manifestation of Trump-mania is their own Q-bomb, the existence of a deep-state Guy Fawkes character who is secretly helping Trump drain the swamp.* But it doesn’t stop there.  The armistice between the U.S. and Grand Fenwick is not based on the latter’s acquisition of the Q-bomb, but when Count Mountjoy agrees to pull from the market the Duchy’s knock-off wine, a threat to U.S. producers.

There lies a potential end to this national nightmare.  Instead of asking the Trump organization to give up its wine business, let them run with it.  Just as long as Donald, Junior, Ivanka, Jared and the rest of his makeshift “army” promises to permanently go back to Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower and live the remainder of their sad lives away from the spotlight.  Rename any of your properties the Duchy of Grand Trump if that makes you feel better.

*NOTE ON DRAINING THE SWAMP:  When anyone says drain the swamp (or anything else for that matter), it generally refers to pumping out the water.  It is not the water that puts us in danger.  It is the critters that live in and around the water.  So, let’s give Trump credit.  He has drained the swamp only to expose the alligators and other predators which lie within.

For what it’s worth.