Three Down…

Nothing emboldens more than success.  The National Enquirer gets it right about John Edwards and thinks it is a real newspaper.   Psychic and astrologer Jeanne Dixon predicted in 1956 that the next president would be a Democrat and would die in office at the hands of an assassin.  She later prophesized the world would end in 2020.  Close, but no cigars.

That’s exactly my state of mind this morning.  Last week I suggested the only way to introduce Tim Walz at the DNC convention was to surround him with members of the 1999 West Mankato High School state champion football team.  CHECK!  But that one was easy.  If you wanted the United Center audience to bring him on chanting, “Coach! Coach! Coach!”, there is only one way to do that.  Emboldened, I am ready to predict two highlights for tonight’s finale.

The title of today’s post is a double entendre.  Yes, three days of the DNC lovefest are in the books with one more to go.  Also, in contrast to the RNC convention at which no past Republican president, vice-president or candidate appeared, the DNC treated viewers to three of the nation’s current or former chief executives.  Of course they did.  The organizers wanted to remind Americans that Bill Clinton left office with three years of a budget surplus and a thriving economy.  Barak Obama brought the economy back from the “great recession” and showed Osama Bin Laden that America would hold him accountable for what he did on September 11, 2001.  And Joe Biden helped heal America physically, economically and emotionally during a pandemic.

What is less obvious about this parade of presidents was the order in which they appeared.  Having Biden the first night made sense.  Honor the incumbent’s accomplishments and pass the torch.  But we learned last night, while “Bubba” can still be the “explainer-in-chief,”  he has lost a step or two.  To be fair, reports from within the United Center, seeing him in-person had a different vibe than watching on TV.  He did not generate the raucous response of the Obamas.  It was more of a respectful reference and acknowledgement, as he admitted, this might be his last DNC convention.  Clinton used to be referred to as the party’s “big dog.”  That moniker now belongs to Barak and Michelle Obama, who I might have saved for later in the week.

It only makes sense if you look at the order from a different perspective.  Three down; one to go.  Here is my prediction.  The order was based on reverse chronology.  The current president on Monday.  Obama on Tuesday.  Clinton on Wednesday.   Jimmy Carter tonight.  At 99-years-old, he will not be in Chicago.  And the message will not be about his years in the Oval Office.  Imagine the following.

Grandson Jason Carter will introduce a film about his grandfather’s post-presidential life.  It will include establishing the Carter Center at Emory University.  Monitoring elections around the world, especially in emerging democracies, to ensure they were fair and honest.  Leading the effort to eradicate Guinea worm disease in Africa.  Becoming the face of Habitat for Humanity.  The message?  The character of a person is not what they do when they have power.  It is what they do when they lose it.  The contrast between Carter and Donald Trump will go unstated, but obvious.

Jason Carter will conclude by recalling a recent conversation he had with the former president which was reported yesterday by Reuters.  “He is super aware. Just recently, we were talking about his 100th birthday, and he said, ‘Yeah, I’m excited about that, but I’m really excited to vote for Kamala Harris.'”  The message.  If my grandfather can make it to the polls to vote for Kamala Harris, you better well can.

Prediction #2.  There is no question Harris will come on stage tonight to a live performance of Beyonce’s “Freedom.”  The surprise?  It will be a duet.  Her co-star?  Taylor Swift, who wrapped up the European leg of her Eras tour in London on Tuesday night, more than enough time to make it to Chicago.  Which of her songs might they sing?  The consensus on Swifties fan sites seems to be, “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?”  Though one fan suggested “Bad Blood” to send a message to Trump who Swift may sue for copyright infringement and lying about her support of his campaign.

Whether I am right or wrong, one thing is certain.  United Center will be rocking again tonight.  Get out your wine and popcorn and enjoy the party.  Because tomorrow we have to go back to work.

For what it’s worth.

2 thoughts on “Three Down…

  1. I’ve enjoyed your commentary and predictions. Looking forward to what’s next on the horizon.

    1. Even when my predictions are wrong? Just goes to show Mick Jagger was right. “You don’t always get what you want.” I was okay without Beyonce or Swift, but still believe the DNC missed an opportunity to remind America of the difference between post-defeat Carter and that other guy.

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