When Everything is Suspect


On March 7, 2017, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman shared his concerns that Donald Trump’s undocumented conspiracy theories and constant denial of empirical fact are a disaster in waiting.  He wrote the following to make this point.

Moreover, one day soon something will happen — in North Korea, the South China Sea, Ukraine, Iran — that will require him to make a judgment call. Trump will have to look the American people in the eye and say: “Trust me — I decided this based on the best information and advice of the intelligence community.” Or, “Trust me, we needed to work with Russia on this.”

And who will believe him? There is nothing more dangerous than a U.S. president who’s squandered his trust before he has to lead us through a crisis.

But Friedman points out a larger and somewhat sad situation we cannot ignore.  Not only has Trump damaged his own credibility, members of his administration are being asked to defend the indefensible.  Example:  Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly’s interviews on the Sunday news shows.

Before January 20th, John Kelly was known as a decorated U.S. Marine Corp general whose service to his country included stints as the commander of the multi-national force in Iraq and the U.S. Southern Command.  This Sunday he became Donald Trump’s pimp.  When Wolf Blitzer questioned the basis for Trump’s accusation President Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the election, Kelly replied:

He must have some convincing evidence that took place. … I don’t pretend to even guess as to what the motivation may have been for the previous administration to do something like that.

You must be kidding!  The Secretary of Homeland Security has not asked his boss to share the evidence?  Or called the FBI, CIA or NSA to ask if there is any truth to the charge?  You’re the #$@&%*! (my wife asked me to tone down the language) Secretary of Homeland Security.  You have access to anything you want.  And to ice the cake, he too implies this undocumented allegation is fact.

trump-waterYou want a conspiracy theory?  There must be something in Trump brand water which not only rinses the palate, but also cleanses the soul of any sense of integrity.  (Note to Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric:  How about a new marketing campaign?  “Trump Water is the new Kool-aid!”)

So, how many more reputable individuals will be infected?  And can we trust anyone?  The news item which triggered this post was the announcement former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman would be the next United States ambassador to Russia.  Pre-Trump this appointment would be welcomed.  Huntsman has served his state and the nation honorably including his tenure as ambassador to China during the first Obama administration.

However, when everything is suspect, one cannot help but consider the possibility of an ulterior motive for what, on the surface, appears to be a grain of sanity in an hourglass of chaos.  This is pure speculation, but I dare say, it is more credible than the foolishness His Orangeness tweets on a regular basis.

Consider the following.  Much has been written about Trump’s foreign policy shift away from engagement with China toward an alliance with Russia.  The purpose? To marginalize China’s growing global influence resulting from an increase in economic and military strength.  If that is truly the case, it makes sense to pick an emissary to the Kremlin who is an expert on China and during his time as ambassador in Beijing had access to classified intelligence on the Chinese government and military.  Such information would be invaluable for a Russian-U.S. joint venture to undercut China’s international standing.

Jon Huntsman will serve AT the pleasure of Donald Trump.  I just hope he remembers he does not have to serve FOR the pleasure of  the current occupant of the White House.

For what it’s worth.

3 thoughts on “When Everything is Suspect

  1. Don’t know if you find this linked paper interesting, but I think is represents the playbook by which Bannon (see Breitbart) now attempts to orchestrate and rewrite history through Trump, the ignorant, and this dysfunctional Congress. It focuses on ways to discredit credentialed information and sources, dismember a common culture and frame of reference, and pass off lies as truth . Goebbels was a master, and the Russians (and at times our own military) have traditionally used these methods to destabilize and divide. Drill down into some of the categories within the link and into the individual sections. Psyops is based on these propaganda techniques.


    1. Thanks for sharing this information and link. Followers might also want to check out Malcolm Nance’s book The Plot to Hack America.

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