Since 1952, beginning with Harry Truman, the president of the United States has authorized security briefings for the nominees of both parties by representatives of the government intelligence community. This courtesy is intended to create “an even playing field,” particularly on occasions when, as is now the case, one candidate is the incumbent. I refer to it as a courtesy because the practice is not required by law or by federal courts.
Never in the nation’s history has there been a situation when the potential recipient of these briefings is under indictment on 38 counts related to:
- willful retention of national defense information,
- conspiracy to obstruct justice,
- withholding a document or record
- corruptly concealing a document or record,
- concealing a document in a federal investigation, and
- false statements and representations.
Various Joe Biden advisors and supporters have urged the president to forego this tradition based on Jack Smith’s 44 page indictment which documents Trump’s alleged criminal activity. Especially following the former president’s hosting of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, they suggest Trump would share the briefing contents with his political allies. Relax! Individuals who have participated in preparation of the briefings or conducted them describe the content as no different than that regularly provided to members of Congress. It is limited to country by country assessments and includes no information related to administration responses, methods or sources.
Trump’s team, of course, argues he is entitled to such briefings (not true under any circumstances) because he has done nothing wrong. What better time to call his bluff. Therefore, I suggest the White House send the following letter to the presumptive Republican nominee.

March 11, 2024
Donald J. Trump
Palm Beach, Florida
Congratulations on your showing in the Super Tuesday primaries. With Nikki Haley suspending her campaign, I have no doubt you will be the Republican nominee in 2024. As much as I would like to honor the 70 year tradition of providing intelligence briefings to an opponent, I have a greater responsibility to honor my oath to defend and protect the Constitution. Therefore, I have decided not to authorize such briefings while you are under indictment.
There is, however, a solution to this conundrum. If you are correct that you have done nothing wrong, you have always had an opportunity to prove that in court. I suggest, therefore, that you ask your lawyers to withdraw all their motions to dismiss the case and encourage Judge Cannon to schedule the trial as soon as possible. If a jury of your peers finds you innocent of the charges in the indictment, I will authorize intelligence briefing immediately. I make this recommendation knowing that, if you prevail, it will be to my electoral detriment, reinforcing your claims the indictment was a case of election interference.
Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. I look forward to your response.
Trump’s choice is clear. If he prefer BRIEFS he needs to face a panel of his peers, otherwise known as “Jury-BOXERS”.
For what it’s worth.
I so enjoy reading your opinions and comments! I think it is a brilliant idea to withhold the intelligence briefing from this buffoon. Even if he does withdraw all of his motions to dismiss, and goes to trial, he does not deserve a whit of courtesy!!
Thanks, Dorothy.