Everyone deserves a second chance. Even MSNBC. Last night, in the wake of Comrade Trump’s major defeat on a flagship issue, I ventured back to MSNBC to see how the network was covering this event. At that moment, Greta van Susteren was interviewing CNBC political analyst John Harwood. At the 38 minute 31 second mark in the show’s transcript, the following exchange takes place.
Van Susteren: I thought he was rather humble.
Harwood: Well, he’s been humbled.
Van Susteren: I was surprised by that. I thought he looked quite presidential taking that defeat.
Harwood: But he deflected blame on the Democrats.
Van Susteren: There was that.
As Maya Angelou reminds us, “When people show you who they are, believe them.” In a single moment, Susteren demonstrated both her innate willingness to put a positive spin on Trump’s political defeat, revealing how tough it is to cure Fox News syndrome even after you leave the infection zone, and her complete lack of understanding what it means to be presidential.
The best evidence His Orangeness knew he was behind the eight ball were his personally initiated calls to two entities he had previously labelled “enemies of the people,” the Washington Post and the New York Times.” The message was clear. This is not my fault. The Democrats are to blame. In the Times call, he also expressed his frustration with the House Freedom Caucus ( i.e. members elected with Tea Party support).
This is just the latest of many instances during the first 64 days, Comrade Trump has shifted blame or responsibility to anyone other than himself. The Muslim ban. Flynn firing. Sessions lying during his confirmation hearing.
We all need to pay attention as these are only the opening acts. The main event is, and should continue to be, Trump campaign and White House ties to Russia. The blame game has already started. Obama’s deep state. Leakers. And yesterday a new conspiracy theory from the originators of the Lee Harvey Oswald/Rafael Cruz bro-mance. The new issue of the National Enquirer includes the following headline. “Trump Catches Russia’s White House Spy!” And it turns out to be none other than (drum roll) former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
As former Navy intelligence officer Malcolm Nance warned us, “The target is getting buggy.” The National Enquirer was a consistent mouthpiece for the Trump campaign, not surprising considering the long-time friendship between Trump and the tabloid’s CEO Dylan Howard. Occam’s razor (the best explanation is the simplest) leads one to the conclusion the most likely reason the White House is willing to put this on Flynn is they would rather admit they hired a Russian spy as national security adviser (so much for extreme vetting) than take responsibility for what might emerge from the FBI investigation and congressional inquiries.
House and Senate Democrats proclaimed the TrumpCare defeat as “a great day for America.” In reality, the true winner was none other than Harry S. Truman. If you think Barack Obama looks more presidential in the rear view mirror, look again. Truman is in clear focus. Greta, when Trump puts a sign on his desk that says, “The Ruble Stops Here” then you can spin it as presidential.
For what it’s worth.