Killing Bill O’Reilly


Besides hosting The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, Bill O’Reilly has co-authored several books commonly known as “the killing series,” documenting the deaths or downfalls of historical figures including Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy and General George Patton. In each volume, O’Reilly and Martin Dugard (co-author) focus on the background stories leading up to the subject’s demise.

Maybe it’s time O’Reilly consider penning an autobiography based on reports this weekend he and Fox News settled five sexual harassment law suits to the tune of $13 million.  The announcement led to several O’Reilly Factor sponsors pulling their ad buys for the show.  These included:  Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, BMW, Mitsubishi, Lexus, TrueCar, Credit Karma, Esurance, All State, Wayfair, Constant Contact, Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer, POM and T. Rowe Price.

Keeping with the authors’ goal of bringing to light some new detail or insight, I would suggest the following thesis for O’Reilly’s self-narrative.  Considering this is not the first time O’Reilly has been called out for moral turpitude or lack of journalistic integrity, why now?  Here are just a few of O’Reilly’s greatest hits.

  • In addition to multiple accusations of sexual harassment, O’Reilly’s daughter testified in May 2015 he had choked his ex-wife and dragged her down the stairs.
  • In Killing Kennedy, O’Reilly claimed he was present when Lee Harvey Oswald friend George de Mohrenschildt, scheduled to testify before a congressional committee, committed suicide.  This assertion was debunked based on O’Reilly own phone records.
  • O’Reilly falsely reported he had personally witnessed combat engagements during the Falklands War.  Records showed O’Reilly was actually in Buenos Aires at the time.
  • O’Reilly compared his statement on The View, “Muslims killed us on 9/11,” as equivalent to saying the USA was attacked by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II.
  • In December 2004, O’Reilly responded to a Jewish caller’s concern about the separation of church and state with respect to public schools with, “If you are really offended you gotta go to Israel, then.”

Keep in mind NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was relieved of his position for less egregious affronts to journalistic integrity.  If the above statements did not persuade sponsors to drop O’Reilly, again, one has to ask why now.  The answer lies in the announcements made by some of the companies which joined the boycott.

Hyundai’s press release included the following:

As a company we seek to partner with companies and programming that share our values of inclusion and diversity.

Interesting, O’Reilly’s previous anti-Muslim and antisemitic rants never bothered them enough to pull their advertising.  So it had to be something else.  Credit Mercedes-Benz for at least being honest about their change of heart.  In announcing their decision, a representative of the German automaker stated:

…given the importance of women in every aspect of our business, we don’t fee this is a good environment in which to advertise our products right now.

The difference in the two statements makes it crystal clear “inclusion and diversity” matters only to corporate America if the offended parties represent a MAJORITY of potential consumers (read WOMEN).  This is the central message of Killing Bill O’Reilly.  If the resistance wants to stop Comrade Trump’s gutting EPA, depriving millions of Americans of affordable health insurance and choosing military build-ups over diplomacy, it needs to be led by women.  As William Congreve accurately predicted in his play The Mourning Bride, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

Oh, I forgot to mention two other sponsors who will no longer advertise on The O’Reilly Factor:  The Society for Human Resource Management and Orkin.  Too bad.  Either one could provide valuable advice to Fox News how to deal with Mr. O’Reilly.

For what its worth.


One thought on “Killing Bill O’Reilly

  1. Maybe the two former advertisers mentioned in your last paragraph could also provide advice to the White House.

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