Category Archives: Comic Relief


The Washington Post is reporting there was a little publicized side-bet between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and King Donald.  Usually such wagers involve a culinary delight symbolic of the cities represented in major sporting events.  For example, following the Eagles victory in Super Bowl LIX, Kansas City mayor Quinton Lucas sent Philadelphia mayor Cherelle Parker a shipment of Gates BBQ.  If the Chiefs had completed the three-peat, Parker would have reciprocated with Philly Cheesesteaks.

However, the stakes associated with last night’s final game in the National Hockey League’s “4 Nation Face-Off” between the United States and Canada were much, much higher.  A bucket of KFC extra crispy versus a bowl of poutine would not suffice.  Based on the fact that Team USA defeated Canada just five days earlier during the round robin phase of the tournament and the game would be played on America’s home ice (the Boston Garden), Trump prepared an executive order challenging Trudeau to the equivalent of a WWE death match.  Assuming his support would assure a USA victory, Trump saw the contest as a shortcut to fulfilling his pipe dream of Canada becoming the 51st state.

In other words, the losing team must cede sovereignty to the winner.  Which explains Trudeau’s tweet (above) immediately following Connor McDavid’s sudden death goal at 8:18 of the first overtime period, giving Canada a 3-2 victory.  Therefore, on July 1, the 158th anniversary of the British North America Act by which Canada became a self-governing member of the British Empire, all 50 U.S. states will become members of the Canadian federation, also known as the United Provinces of America.

An official ceremony, reminiscent of Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at the Appomattox, Virginia courthouse, will be held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario.  While the details have not been finalized, the word on “la rue” is that the observance will culminate with Trump laying down his bull horn and five iron.  Trudeau and Parliament will then appoint a commission to determine the boundaries and names of the new provinces.  While everything is on the table, one MP suggested there is no need to have two provinces with similar names.  “One Dakota, Carolina or Virginia is enough.”

I cannot wait until the 2026 Winter Olympics when attendees from North America will be rooting for their home team, “UPA, UPA.”

The Upside

During my tenure as a professor at Miami University, we had a colleague who, like Trump, had the uncanny ability to pick losers in every major and minor sporting event.  It was, however, impossible to definitively prove if this relationship was causal or mere correlation.  Based on his picks for the Super Bowl and the 4 Nations Face-Off, Trump appears to be the heir apparent to our colleague, ensuring negative outcomes for favored teams.  Whether causal or correlation is irrelevant.  Both have an upside.  For example, if you are New York Yankees hater, just post on Truth Social that Hal Steinbrenner (Yankee owner) thinks the 4 Nations Face-Off final game and Trump is still the president of what Google maps has labeled Lower Canada.  Trump will surely reply “#me too,” thus ensuring the Bronx Bombers will have another under-achieving season.

For what it’s worth.

Eggs-cuse Me!

Americans stocking up on holiday cooking essentials may be greeted with an unwelcome surprise in the grocery aisles: higher prices for eggs, spurred by an intensifying bird flu outbreak.

~Danielle Kaye/New York Times

Kaye’s update on the “great American egg crisis” this morning should come as no surprise.  A February 2024 USDA report on the impact of bird flu listed it as the primary cause of the 229 percent increase in the cost of a dozen eggs.  At the same time, Donald Trump laid the blame on Bidenomics and promised voters they would see a return to pre-pandemic prices as soon as he took office.  Per his “Person of the Year” interview with Time Magazine, the president-elect has conceded lower grocery bills are less likely than pledged 10 months ago, and even more improbable based on his stated priorities for “Day One” and beyond.

This morning, John Fugelsang, host of “Tell Me Everything” on SiriusXM, predicted 2025 will be a comedian’s “gift from God.” The same is true for bloggers; so why wait for 2025.  Therefore, I proudly present Donald Trump’s “TOP TEN THINGS TO LOWER THE PRICE OF EGGS.”

#10:  Retake control of the Panama Canal to lower the cost of imports from EGGuador.

#9:  Change the name of Alaska’s Denali National Park back to McKinley National Park although Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski opposed the move saying, “We already went through this with President Trump at the very, very beginning of his first term.”  Though she could have added, “How many times will he try the same thing OVA and OVA again?”

#8:  Purchase Greenland from the Dutch believing the island could supply bird-flu resistant “green eggs” and “trichinosis-free ham.”

#7:  Sue the Des Moines Register for publishing an inaccurate poll in hopes the newspaper would stop predicting egg futures.

#6:  Nominate his daughter Tiffany’s “billionaire” father-in-law to the post of special Middle East envoy.  Turns out “master dealmaker” Massad Boulos is a salesman for a Nigerian truck and machinery company that reported $66,000 in profits in 2023.  He would have been better positioned if he worked for Cal-Maine Foods, the largest U.S. egg producer and and distributor, which reported FY2024 sales of (drum roll) $2.3 billion and net profit of $277.9 million.

#5:  Pressure Governor Ron DeSantis to appoint daughter-in-law Lara Trump to replace Senator Marco Rubio.  This, of course, negatively affected the egg supply when both the president-elect and daughter-in-law were seen at the Mar-a-Lago omelet bar with egg on their faces.

#4:  Deport millions of undocumented farm workers, especially those from Guatemala, who Trump accused of bringing bags of quetzals, the national bird, across the southern border.  More egg on his face when custom officials informed him “quetzal” is also the name of the Guatemalan currency.

#3:  Nominate alleged drug addict, statutory rapist and sex trafficker Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General.  His choice was based on Trump’s misunderstanding that reports of Gaetz transporting “young chicks” involved repopulating poultry farms with flu-free birds.

#2:  America First.  Beginning January 20, 2025, eggs produced and sold in the United States will be marketed under their scientific name  “gallus domesticus,” not to be confused with someone Matt Gaetz originally met and only dated in Florida.

#1:  Pardon the January 6 insurrectionists.  This is the one action that actually might address the price of eggs.  All those newly vacant prison cells can be used to isolate infected poultry.

Assuming none of the above makes a difference in the price of eggs, Trump will surely revert to his old tricks.  Blame Biden.  Blame the Fed.  Blame RFK, Jr.  Blame the Heritage Foundation.  Blame Obamacare.  Maybe even blame Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy for cutting USDA’s food safety programs.

And if that fails, he will step behind the podium in the press room and recommend farmers inject their hens with bleach or add ivermectin to their feed.

For what it’s worth.

Ready on Day 90?

In a Thursday post on his Truth Social platform, former President Donald Trump argued that Vice President Kamala Harris “should be investigated and forced off the Campaign,” thereby allowing President Joe Biden “to take back his rightful place” at the top of the Democratic ticket. Trump did not specify what he believes Harris — who became the Republican’s rival in the White House race after Biden dropped his reelection bid this summer — should be investigated for.

~HUFFPOST.COM/October 17, 2024

Life is easy when everything goes exactly as planned.  The alarm goes off on time.  There is still enough hot water for your morning shower.  There is another box of your favorite breakfast cereal.  Traffic is lighter than normal.  The boss thanks you for getting him the information she needed for the board meeting.  The Dow hits another new high.  You celebrate by taking your spouse out for dinner.  And Netflix finally dropped Season 4 of “Stranger Things.”

Most of us know there is no such thing as a perfect day.  That is where planning comes in.  If you live in hurricane alley, you have a standing evacuation plan, bought a generator and stocked the pantry with non-perishable items.  If the Wall Street Journal reports your company is struggling and planning layoffs, you do not wait until you get your pink slip to start looking for alternative employment.  If your doctor recommends a life-style change to prevent a second heart attack, you start Googling tasty, salt-free meals and explore memberships at an area health club.

Donald J. Trump is not “most of us.”  As a right-brained thinker who traffics in metaphors, I wondered, “What is the best way to make people understand the consequences?”  As is always the case, the answer emerges in the most unexpected ways.  This time it was dinner at the Fish Market in Boca Raton with my wife, my mother and two close friends.  I do not remember how we got there, but the conservation turned to, “What is your favorite version of Dicken’s Christmas Carol?”  For the record, my favorite is “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol.”

Therefore, I am proud to present a Dr. ESP production of “Mr. Trump’s Christmas Carol.”  My goal?  No different than Charles Dickens’ as he wrote in the preface of the original:

I have endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.


Stave 1: The First of the Three Spirits

Trump pulls back the curtains of his poster bed and comes face to face with an old man viewed through some supernatural medium.  “Who are you?” he asks.  “I am the Ghost of administrations past.  Let’s take a walk.”

The first stop is the Oval Office on January 28, 2020.  A younger Trump is sitting behind the Resolute Desk.  Advisors bring him news the coronavirus has arrived in America, it is air borne, and could rival the pandemic of 1918.  They suggest, “Maybe we need to re-establish the NSC pandemic unit you disbanded in 2018.”  His response?  “Bah, humbug.”

The second stop is the admissions desk at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City on May 7, 2020.  The line extends outside the door and around the block.  A reporter asks the hospital administrator, “What is the problem?  Why is the line so long?”  “Because we do not have enough testing devices.  We’ve requested more from CDC but they tell us they have exhausted their supply,” she replies.

The specter turns and asks, “Donald, do you remember where you were that day?”  An image appears of the then-president on the phone with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.  You can only hear Trump’s side of the conversation.  “Yes, Vlad.  I know it’s bad.  I’m just as scared as you are of catching the virus.  Let me send you some testing devices…You’re welcome, I owed you one anyway.”

“Bah, humbug.  I’ve seen enough,” Trump says.  “Those people didn’t vote for me.  And then they expected me to come to their rescue.”  He falls back to sleep.

Stave 2:  The Second of the Three Spirits

Trump is awakened by a second visitor, a younger spirit who again invites the former president to go with him.  Trump asks, “Who are you?”  “The Ghost of elections present.”

This time the first stop is the Baird Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 18, 2024, the last night of the Republican National Convention.  A confident Trump, having recently survived an assassination attempt and leading his presumed opponent in the polls, is jubilant.  Aware of the increasing pressure on incumbent Joe Biden to drop out of the race, Trump’s campaign staff urge him to have a contingency plan just in case.  “Bah, humbug,” he again replies.

The second stop is Trump’s bedroom on the night of October 17. 2024.  He is posting on Truth Social.  “Why are you showing me this?”  Trump asks.  “Because you did not listen to your advisors.  Biden withdrew from the race 90 days ago.  And you still can’t deal with it.  Here’s what you posted.”

60 MINUTES SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY TAKEN OFF THE AIR – ELECTION INTERFERENCE. CBS SHOULD LOSE ITS LICENSE. THIS IS THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN BROADCAST HISTORY. Kamala should be investigated and forced off the Campaign, and Joe Biden allowed to take back his rightful place (He got 14 Million Primary Votes, she got none!). THIS WHOLE SORDID AND FRAUDULENT EVENT IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!

The spirit continues, “Don’t you understand how small and petty you sound?  And it only confirms everything Harris said about you last night on Fox News.”

“It doesn’t matter.  The base loves this stuff,”  Trump pushes back.  “Ghost, you’re wrong.  I’m done with you.”

Stave 3:  The Last of the Spirits

Trump had barely dozed off again, when he was awakened by a third spirit who uncannily resembled Liz Cheney.  “And who are you?”  Trump asked.  “I am the Ghost of inaugurations future,”  she replies. 

Trump watches as Kamala Harris takes the oath of office as the first female president of the United States.  “How could this happen?  How did they steal the election?” he asks.  “No one stole anything, Donald.  No one to blame but yourself.  You expected everything to simply fall into place.  But that’s not how life works.  Americans understood if a candidate cannot adapt to an unanticipated challenge during the campaign, it was clear to them you learned nothing from the mistakes you made during the pandemic or following your loss to Joe Biden.”

“So where am I on January 20, 2025?” he asks.  The third Ghost conjures up an image of Trump at the omelet bar at Mar-a-Lago.  “I guess it could be worse,” he surmises.  “Oh, it is,” she informs him.  “See those guys on the perimeter.  They used to be your Secret Service detail.  Now they are federal prison guards.  You were sentenced to five years house arrest after being convicted of interfering with the 2020 transfer of power and mishandling classified documents.”

“Bah, f***ing humbug”

Stave 4: The End of It

No, not everyone lived happily ever after, but democracy was saved and Americans continue the quest to form a more perfect union, just as those oldest of ghosts, the Founding Fathers, planned.

For what it’s worth.

You Break It, You Onan It

But for the times in which we live, the following lede would have appeared in The Onion rather than the Arizona Republic.

The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a 160-year-old law that bans abortions and punishes doctors who provide them, saying the ban that existed before Arizona became a state can be enforced going forward.

Therefore, based on this new high bar for fictional satire, I have decided to propagate my own spin-off of The Onion.  I call it The Scallion, a smaller, less pungent satirical platform.  Below is a brief summary of the main story on the front page of the inaugural edition.

Arizona Supreme Court Bans More Privacy Rights.

On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a 5,645-year-old law requiring men to sleep with their widowed sisters-in-law.  According to archivists at the Creation Museum in Boone County, Kentucky, God enacted the law to repopulate the human species which had been decimated by dinosaur attacks.  During oral arguments, Zavapai County Attorney Dennis McGrane, who successfully represented those in favor of the 1864 statute banning abortions, also represented plaintiffs who claimed that “spilling one’s seed” should be left up to the states.  The court ruled that without repeal of Genesis 38:8-10, the violation of oneself remained in effect including punishment specified in Verse 38:10.  “And the thing which he did displeased the Lord; therefore He slew him also.”

The justices rejected Onan’s two defense arguments. First, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes likened Onan’s refusal to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law to conscientious objection to war.  She reminded the justices Onan’s decision was based on his personal belief the practice of “levirate marriage,” in which the brother of a deceased man is obliged to marry his brother’s widow, was dishonest by pretending his seed was that of his brother, which it clearly was not.  Second, Onan felt that no one had the right to invade one’s privacy when it came to his sexual behavior.  Mayes added, “Just because Santa Claus knows when you are sleeping and knows when you’re awake, that does not give him the right to judge the actions of TWO NON-CONSENTING adults.”

Arizona Chief Justice Robert Brutinel, in a unanimous decision, left no room for ambiguity.  “In the 1864 statute case, we made it clear abortions are illegal in our state.  Based on the current case, even thinking about having sex and not completing the act as God intended, is not only illegal, it is a mortal sin punishable by death.”

In Tallahassee, Florida, State Supreme Court chief justice Carlos G. Muñiz bemoaned the fact he did not think of this first.  “I would hate to see Florida lose its reputation as the epicenter of radical legal nonsense.”

For what it’s worth.

All the World’s a Stage

BLOGGER’S NOTE: Today marks the first entry in a new category “Comic Relief,” a subcategory of “Random Thoughts.” The reason for this addition is my sense of ennui associated with the current state of affairs in the United States and around the world. It feels we are in the middle of a five-act Shakespearean tragedy (though hopefully everyone will not die in Act V). I know many of you feel the same way and have remarked how this blog has helped you get through the last five years. So, rather than pile on, I thought it was time to add the equivalent of a modern-day Rosencrantz and Gildenstern, for just a moment, taking your mind off the drama and focusing on the less monumental absurdities of life.

The bigger discussion about the frustrations around casting is because many people don’t have a chair at the table. There must be a levelling, otherwise we are going to carry on having these debates.

~Eddie Redmayne re: “The Danish Girl”

The above quote appeared in Redmayne’s interview with the Sunday Times, during which he regrets having been cast as Lili Elbe in the Oscar nominated movie. His comments were in response to criticism by members of the transgender community including writer Carol Grant who felt Redmayne’s performance was “regressive, reductive and contributes to harmful stereotypes.”

My purpose today is not to determine whether director Tom Hooper erred when he selected Redmayne to play Lili. Instead, this current debate which is as old as lip-syncing Natalie Woods’ portrayal of Maria in “West Side Story” and Jonathan Pryce’s Tony Award- winning performance as Tran Van Dinh in the original Broadway cast of “Miss Saigon” raised questions about the choice of leading actors in other iconic roles.

Christopher Reeve proved not be a “Superman.” Did the fact Meryl Streep never left her real-life children to be with a female lover disqualify her from playing Joanna Kramer opposite Dustin Hoffman? But what about some of the other memorable performances in stage and filmdom history? Consider the following.

  • Lon Chaney, Jr. as the hirsute monster in the werewolf franchise. If there is ever a low-budget remake, adult movie star Ron Jeremy (pictured below) was made for the part and could save the producers a fortune in makeup.
Vlad the Impaler (1451 AD) : r/fakehistoryporn
  • Ann Baxter as Eve Harrington to Bette Davis’ Margo Channing in “All About Eve.” With the obvious difference that the older understudy is trying to replace a younger rival, Camilla Shand, Duchess of Cornwall, knows exactly what it feels like waiting in the wings for her chance at the lead role.
  • Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbitt in “Rain Man.” However, casting a more appropriate Raymond is easy, as Hoffman’s character was inspired by the late “megasavant” Kim Peek (pictured below).
The Story Of Kim Peek, The Real Life Inspiration Behind For "Rain Man"
  • How was Robin Wright in any way qualified to play the power behind the man as Claire Underwood in “House of Cards?” She never influenced any actual national policy decisions. The only person knowledgeable and experienced enough to understand what it means to pull the strings of the marionettes who surround the president is Ivanka Trump. Of course, she may be too busy competing with Nikki Haley as another option to replace Mike Pence in the forthcoming disaster movie “2024.”
  • Russell Crowe as psychotic genius John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind.” Actually, this may be a case where director Ron Howard could be accused of type-casting. If only Crowe was a Noble Prize laureate in economics.

On a more serious note, I do worry that Hollywood’s concern about appropriated culture may go too far. But it is hard to argue the pendulum needed recalibrating after John Wayne as Genghis Khan in “The Conqueror (1956),” Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)” or even Sir Lawrence Olivier as “Othello (1965).”

If you think this form of type-miscasting peaked in the mid-20th century, think again. 2013 was a particularly awkward year when you consider Johnny Depp as Tonto in the remake of “The Lone Ranger” and Emma Stone as half-Asian Allison Ng in “Aloha.” But considering the critical and box office reception of these two flops, it was more likely a case of necessity as no Native American or Asian thespian with an ounce of professional integrity would have auditioned for these roles.

However, depriving an actor of an opportunity to step out of his/her own background or life experience is equally discomforting. Is it not equivalent to suggesting a young black child born in poverty cannot become a successful business person a la Oprah Winfrey or dismissing the next J. K. Rowling who overcame the challenges of being a single parent to become the highest paid author in the world? Would a modern day Gary Cooper be passed over as Lou Gehrig because he does not have ASL? For that matter, would the role of dead bodies on a battlefield be restricted to actual corpses?

Like most things in life, moderation is the order of the day. That does not mean filmmakers will, on occasion, push the envelope resulting in flaps similar to that raised by Redmayne’s portrayal of Lili Elbe. And there will just as likely be occasions when audiences do not get to enjoy an unexpected breakthrough performance. Dustin Hoffman as Ratso Rizzo comes to mind. Hopefully, through trial and error, a happy medium can be found.

Until then I look forward, based on this past weekend’s outing, to auditioning for the role of Charles Barkley in “Worst Golf Swings Ever,” assuming there is no African-American in his right mind willing to stoop to the level of self-depracation required to emulate the former NBA star’s style on the links.

For what it’s worth.