
From the Associated Press, dateline December 6, 2018.

NEW YORK — Two women hired to clean at one of President Donald Trump’s golf resorts in New Jersey say they were in the country illegally when they got their jobs, supervisors knew it and that many employees there also lack legal documents, according to a report in The New York Times.

At least they were not separated from their children.  And, of course, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Steve Miller, Laura Ingraham and the rest of the Trump carolers are again singing a tribute version of their favorite Simon and Garfunkel hit, “The Sounds of Crickets.”

Now, there are a lot of companies and institutions which hire undocumented workers.  So, we should not be surprised the Trump Organization did likewise.  But I seem to remember a time when a cabinet official, much less the chief executive, was held to a higher standard.

In 1993, President Bill Clinton nominated Kimba Wood to be his attorney general after his first nominee Zoe Baird admitted she had employed an undocumented immigrant as a nanny and had not made social security or medicare tax payments.  In what became know as Nannygate, it was soon discovered Wood also employed an illegal immigrant BUT had paid the required taxes.  And this is important.  At the time, prior to passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which made hiring illegals a crime, Wood was not breaking the law.  Her only “crime” was not informing White House officials of this potentially embarrassing disclosure.

However, as we so often learn, karma is a bitch.  From an article posted on TIME.COM dated April 17, 2018.

The mounting legal case against President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has brought another name into the news: Kimba Wood.

As the federal judge in charge of a highly watched case, Wood already made a splash when she ordered Cohen’s attorney on Monday to reveal that he had Fox News host Sean Hannity as a client.

As expected, the White House and Trump supporters could not let this go.  Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s former deputy assistant for policy, tweeted, “She is a Clinton confidante who was chosen by Hillary to be AG.  The #DEEPstate is real.”  Actor James Wood (obviously no relation) chimed in, “#KimbaWood is pure Clinton crony deep state.  Of course she’s the judge in Mueller’s attack on Cohen.”  Others were quick to point out she had officiated at George Soros’ wedding in 2013.

As with every outlandish Trumpian conspiracy theory, there is one YUGE problem.  Wood was appointed as a U.S. district judge by President Ronald Reagan based on a recommendation by then Senator Alfonse D’Amato (R-NY).  She was unanimously confirmed by the Senate.

For what it’s worth.


2 thoughts on “Kimba-Yeah

  1. Truth does not matter to conspiracy theory trollers. These trolls sling their lies like poo and it stinks everywhere it lands.
    The Trump Presidency has been a blaring advertisement of our country’s hypocrisy and ignorance. I feel fortunate to be born an American but embarrassed of what we have become. There will always be people who lead with fear and ignorance; so there must always be people to educate, liberate, and incarcerate.

  2. Could Trump argue that, despite all that he says publicly, he sometimes hires illegal workers out of “compassion.” I bet he could get away with it.

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