MacTrump/Act III


Act III: The Transition

Scene I: Castle Penthouse

MacTrump (Donald J. Trump)

With victory in hand, tis’ time to pivot.  Or have I in blood stepped so far that, should I wade no more, returning were so tedious as go o’er.

Lady MacBeth (Steve Bannon)

A shift in manner may come later, as there remains still those who doubt your legitimate ascension to the throne–enemies of the people and deep-state saboteurs.  We’ve scorched the snake, not killed it.  Things bad begun make themselves strong by ill.

Banquo (Kellyanne Conway)

Be calm, my lord. Thou hast it now: king, commander-in-chief, head of party, all.  As the weird women predicted.


Then why hath sleep and peace become a stranger to me.  Do not muse at me, my most worthy friends, I have a strange infirmity which is nothing to those that know me.

Lady MacTrump

Worry not, the blood of your battles are on the hands of others and shall remain so.  To bed, my lord.  I shall assure everything be alt-right. (Aside:  Doth I repeat myself?  Hath the bard run short of clever paraphrases to express such sentiments?)

Scene II: Royal Bedchamber (the following night)

ghost-of-banquoGhost of Banquo

My lord’s body sleeps but not his soul.  Otherwise, he would not have exiled me to the land of Fox.  Does he not honor my loyalty?  Does he fear I will reveal all I have witnessed and been part of?  Did he conclude I am the traitor of whom the witches spoke?


What spirit invades my dreams?  Ah, Banquo.  Returned so soon?

Ghost of Banquo

Not yet, my lord.  I come to seek thy forgiveness.  My slips of tongue were unfortunate and unintentional.  It is not I you should fear.  MacDuff, Thane of Scottsdale (John McCain), as if some holy angel, hath flown to the court of Merkel to unfold his message.

He claims the castle is in disarray. He challenges your 140 character missives.

Did not the witches warn of one insulted?  I fear he will become more than a minor ‘hanoi-ance.”  [Vanishes]

Lady MacTrump

My lord, your ashen complexion doth betray you.


Twas’ Banquo, though I know it could not be.  My fate is cast.  Come, we’ll to sleep.  My strange and self-abuse is the initiate fear that wants hard use.  We are yet young in deed.

Lady MacTrump

(Aside: The force is strong with this one.  And now his training is complete.  If he only knew the power of the dark side.)

[Author’s Note:  I know, I know.  Lady MacTrump’s last words may be outside the time/space continuum, but certainly not out of character.  Stay tuned for the next episode, MacTrump/Act IV: A New Hope.]


One thought on “MacTrump/Act III

  1. “Outside the time/space continuum” Hahahaha Hahahaha and many more hearty guffaws Hilarious ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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