Call It What It Is


This morning the Washington Post reports proposed changes to the Republican bill that would replace the Affordable Care Act.

According to a summary obtained by The Washington Post, Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) will propose giving Alaska and Maine more funding than initially offered. Those states are represented by Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Susan Collins (Maine), who have expressed concerns about the bill but have yet to say how they would vote.

If I were a lobbyist or a corporation and offered a United States Senator a financial incentive to influence their vote on a specific piece of legislation, I would be charged with bribery.  And the Senators would be charged with influence pedaling.  But this is even worse.  Cassidy and Graham are not using their own money.  They are using TAXPAYER dollars to BUY the votes they need to pass their bill.

The bill already punishes states who improved the lives of their low-income residents by accepting the option to expand Medicaid coverage.  It takes the money for this program and distributes it to states on a population formula with no guarantees that the money be used for basic health coverage.  (Does anyone honestly believe HHS Secretary will not approve waivers to states that voted for Trump?)

So let’s call this what it is.  A BRIBE.  Those responsible for drafting this version have in effect sent a communication to two U.S. Senators offering them money for their vote.  Now it’s up to Collins and Murkowski to show us what they are made of.  If they accept this offer, we now know who they really are.  Like the old saying suggests, “We know who we are, we’re just haggling over the price.”

If this bill becomes law, every honest American (including members of the Tea Party) should seriously consider not paying their federal income tax this year.  We are being asked to be an accomplice to this most outrageous and unconscionable use of public funds.   I have never included a call to action in any of my blogs, until now.  I encourage you to call (the vote is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday) your Senators and tell them you refuse to underwrite this scam.

For what it’s worth.


5 thoughts on “Call It What It Is

  1. Thanks. I was thinking the same thing (about this being a bald-faced BRIBE); you stated it much better than I could have.

  2. Absolutely agree it is a bribe. This has to be illegal. Where are our democratic leaders on this?!? Should be holding press conferences right now!

  3. Unfortunately our elected officials write laws and create loopholes that allow them and their rich contributors to break them.

    1. And why, just why , – and how – do they get “voted” into office? The rules…. rigged rules… Gerrymandering and voter suppression from a long term GOP objective to eliminate certain segments of our population. Unfortunately, the scheme to control has backfired – and the risks to all are now enormous.

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