Occam’s Razor

If you ever questioned why the state of Florida has turned deep red after voting twice for Barack Obama, look no further than the state and local Democratic Committees.  Yesterday, consistent with Occam’s razor–all things being equal, the simplest answer is usually correct–I reached the following conclusion.

At 8:30 am EST, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported:

  • Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 353,000 in January
  • The unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent
  • Average hourly earnings year over year rose by 4.5 percent, higher than the annual inflation rate of 3.5 percent, signaling a real increase in household buying power.

CNBC analyst Rick Santelli described the report this way.  “The first jobs report jobs, job jobs of ’24 is out and it is… WHOPPER!”

Former Trump economic advisor and FOX business analyst Larry Kudlow piled on, “I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession. So was the entire forecasting fraternity.”  After Joe Biden’s comments on the good economic news, Kudlow added, “If I were he, I would be bragging about it too.”

And earlier this week, Donald Trump was so impressed with the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P being in record territory, he tried to take credit for it. In an all caps post on UN-Truth Social, Trump declared. as usual with no evidence, “THIS IS THE TRUMP STOCK MARKET.  BECAUSE MY POLLS AGAINST BIDEN ARE SO GOOD THAT INVESTORS ARE PROJECTING THAT I WILL WIN, AND THAT WILL DRIVE THE MARKET UP.”  For the record, on the last day before Biden was elected president in 2020, the S&P stood at 3,270.  On yesterday’s positive economic news, the S&P rose another 52.42 to close at 4,959.

Yet, on the very day when literally everyone was rejoicing over the unprecedented post-pandemic economic recovery, my congressman Aaron Bean emailed a newsletter in which he claimed, “Biden’s economy has wreaked havoc on American families. In the fight to restore our nation’s prosperity, I’m proud to support the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act..”   His assessment is hard to reconcile with the fact the bill would not have passed without more Democratic than Republican votes and the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index hit a two year high in January.

What was our local Democratic Committee’s response to Aaron Bean’s disinformation campaign?  Crickets!!  And they wonder why so many Democrats do not contribute to the Committee or why there is a lack of enthusiasm among Democratic voters.  Or they are unable to recruit quality candidates to run in local elections.  For me, it’s now personal.  Last week I sent the Nassau County Democratic Party chair a copy of my “If I Did It” post.  I suggested there was a case to be made that Aaron had done very little for district residents and offered to do anything I could to work with them and anyone who would challenge Aaron for the 4th district seat in the House of Representatives.  I’m still waiting for a response.  Even a thank you, but no thank you would suggest they at least bothered to read it.

In 1992, Bill Clinton told us, “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.”  In 2008, Barack Obama rallies opened with songs like Steve Wonder’s “Fired Up! Ready to Go” or will.i.am’s “Yes We Can!”  In 2020, Joe Biden often came on stage to his late son Beau’s favorite, Cold Play’s “Sky Full of Stars.”  Sadly, in 2024, the Florida Democratic Party appears to be marching to the tune of “Sounds of Silence.”

For what it’s worth.

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